ABSTRACT Application Form


Screen Name: BesoFinal
Profile Link: here~
Anything you want me to call you?: Besofinal, if it's not too long ^_^

Your Character:

Name: Seo Boyeon
Age: 19
Birthday: November the 15th, 1992
Blood Type: AB
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Nationality: Korean
Ethnicity: Korean
Spoken Languges: Basic in Japanese and English.






Seo Boyeon is a cool and yet intelligent girl that has ever since her early childhood liked to speak her mind. She likes organized and secured surroundings though, which can make the people around her a bit tense, but still secured.  But she's confident in herself and  will set loose whenever she feels like it. She knows when she shouldn't perform a certain thing and barely backs down on it. Boyeon also has a tendency to often let the other members ''take the first bite of the apple'', if you know what I mean. She has no problem with staying silent for a while, even though she might want to take over the troubled situation. But in that way, staying on the side and watching is what I mean, she has learnt a lot about what kind of person she actually is. Boyeon's definetly a dorky person though, but she often keeps that part of her hidden. When she gets into a great mood though, the more wild and dorky part of Boyeon that just likes to have fun comes out.  

But only because Boyeon is able to speak her mind, she's not that outgoing around strangers and she actually hates first meetings with people. When there is such meetings, she tends to raise her mental capacity max high and never show her weak sides. She might even stress herself up. The people she meets the first times, either sees her good sides or is turned away on her first seen, stiff personality. But don't get fooled by that, Boyeon is actually a very friendly and social person, but sometimes she easily gets confused about new people and gets a bit dumb/unknowing around them. Because she makes so much efforts into the meeting and is so careful about it, she easily gets tired and lazy afterwards. But it is not only with meetings she does this. She often pushes herself to her limit, and later on she falls down into a coma. This is Boyeons' way of handling things. Therefore she needs to rest much more then the other members after stages/concerts/shows. The reason for her acting like this is because she always wants to make a good first impression on people. 

Boyeon may often find herself in the role of the classical ''peacemaker''. She usually is quite generous and warm, so she tries to solve the fights between certain people by carefully handling them on her own mature ways. She is also very observant of other people, and is able to sense what is wrong before others might do. Both of these things have caused people to often rely, trust and depend on Boyeon.


Boyeons parents met when her father was studying in USA. There he met an American woman: but that still was a of Korean descent. Two years after their marriage, they got their first child: Boyeon. She was therefore born in Chicago, but only one year after Boyeons birth, the family moved back to Seoul, Korea.


One year after the move, Boyeons younger brother, Dongshin also arrived. And in an additional two years the familys youngest daughter was born, Hyewon. Right from the beginning though, the Seo siblings fought a lot, both physically and mentally. But as they got older and grew more and more mature, they stopped fighting bit by bit. Nowadays, they care much more about each other.When Boyeon had just turned 13, their parents got a divorce, due to the reason that their love for each other was gone. During this period, Boyeon kept herself strong, especially since her younger siblings was heart-broken because of this incident. She tried her best to support them both by being strong and comforting them. Her life turned over once again though when she became a entertainment trainee at JYP Ent. after being accepted through some auditions she made in early 2007. Her love for music, dancing and singing had always been there since she was little, so this was a very exciting happening for Boyeon.


But two years later, something happened. Her cousin, Woo Hyelim, was a trainee at JYP, but her pressure got to the very high point that she would often broke down in random periods. Boyeons parents heard of this, and immediatly resigned Boyeons contract with JYP. They were worried that she might be affected negativley by her trainee days. This caused Boyeon to stay angry at her parents, since she loved being a trainee. In one year though, Boyeon was still depressed of her losing the daily trainee life: she wanted to make another audition, but this time for Cube Entertainment. Her parents let her do the audition, just because she was older now and more mature but also because they saw how Hyelims situation was also solved. She was accepted at her first audition for Cube Entertainment.



- Road trips

- Polite people

- Sneakers

- Rest

- Mathematics

- Wine


- Babies (especially carrying them)

- Horses (especially big ones)

- Isolation

- Exercising (she can do it, but it's something that's hard/boring for her)

- Skating

- Beer

- Greedy people


- Kicking a lot when she is sleeping

- Laughing very openly and loud

- Being very calm when she's afraid

- Yawning a lot, even though she is only slightly tired



- Resting

- Sketching portraits/landscapes

- Studying a lot


- She has been playing the violin since she was 11, and she is still very good at it.

- Her lucky number is 4.

- She has a great fear/respect for horses because she was bitten by one when she was younger at her aunts farm.

- She can imitate an American speaking Korean with an accent: just because her mother did so when she came to Korea and learnt Korean.

- She can't stand babies crying.

- She's a nerd in studying.

- She goes to Chung-ang University, majoring in Arts.


Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui / Hana

Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Back Up Ulzzang: Byun Ji Eun
 1 2 3



Family Members:

Seo Miyoung | 53 | Mother | They are very close, and people often comments about their similarity to each other, both in personality and appearance.

Seo Kigyu | 57 | Father | Not as close as the relationship between Boyeon and her mother, but sort of. Two years after the divorce, he got married to another woman, but they never had any children.
Seo Dongshin | 17 | Younger brother | It includes a lot of fights, since Dongshin is a wild younger brother. He likes going out and isn't afraid of speaking his mind, just like Boyeon.
Seo Hyowon | 15 | Younger sister | Hyowon is very sweet and innocent, opposite of her brother. Boyeon gets along very well with her younger sister




IU | 19 | solo | They're close, but not more then that. They often talk, give advices to each other and respect the other one greatly.

Jihyun | 22 | 4Minute | They're very close, and were often there for each other in their trainee days when times would get tough. Because of that, they know almost everything about each other.
Love Interest: Kris from EXO

How does he act?: Kris can be a bit random and clumsy, but will always be a charmer towards the people around him. His soft and sweet personality match his excellent voice and he is often considered by the other group members in EXO as a perfect guy.


Back Up Love Interest: Himchan from B.A.P

How does he act?: He's charismatic, but still quite caring. He cares a lot for others, and his way of cheering them up, is joking with them.

Idol Stuff:

Postion 1: Main Rapper| Main Dancer| Main Vocals| Lead Vocals| Lead Dancer

Position 2: Lead Vocals

How long were you a trainee?: 5 years, 4 months at Cube. About 1 year at JYP. So, a total of 6 years and 4 months training.

Other Talents:

- Playing the violin.

- She is very flexible.

- She is goot at MC-ing.


Other Stuff:

Anything else?: Tell me if I need to change anything! Good luck with the story



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