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Kim Sungyoung – Kim Yesung One-Shot


            Kim Jongwoon. Kim Jongwoon. Kim Jongwoon. Kim Sungyoung hated the very being of this male named Kim Jongwoon. Sure, he was pretty damn popular and maybe if she didn’t know better, Sungyoung would have found him attractive and talented with a heavenly voice, but she did know better. Kim Jongwoon was a pain in the – at least, for her.


Sungyoung was quietly enjoying her lunch in the rooftop when the door slid open and in came the man of the hour himself – Jongwoon. Sungyoung glared at the newcomer; an action that didn’t come unnoticed. “Look, chill, alright? I’m not here to pick a fight or something. You do your thing and I’ll do mine,” Jongwoon said, walking towards the railings near the edge of the roof, looking at the bird’s eye view of the city.

Sungyoung found it uncomfortable and irritating to be in the same place as Jongwoon. The two of them being classmates didn’t help as well. With an irritated sigh, Sungyoung finished her lunch, chugged her banana milk and threw the containers of her meal in the thrash can before huffing and leaving.

Jongwoon looked at the disappearing figure of Sungyoung before putting on his headphones and taking in the beautiful sight Seoul gave under the sunlight.


With her shoulders slouched back, Sungyoung made her way back to her class, only to be blocked by a bleach-blonde, heavily-made up girl – Jongwoon’s fangirl. The girl glared at Sungyoung, but the girl only rolled her eyes and went back to walking when the bell rang and the blonde scampered away to who-knows-where.

One by one, students began entering the classroom – not that Sungyoung cared. It was her last year, after all, so knowing the people she shared her classroom with was useless. As long as they didn’t bother her, she won’t bother them.

Most of the students already arrived when their teacher appeared and cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll keep this short because I’m busy. In this paper I’m holding are the pairs for your project which will be 50% of your final grade. Class rep, read it,” and with that, their teacher left.


After countless names, there were only a couple of students who haven’t been called. “The next pair will be...Kim Sungyoung and Kim Jongwoon. Next...,”

“What?!” Sungyoung exclaimed as she slammed the desk. “Me? Partnered with that thing?!”

The class rep shook her head. “You know, Sungyoung, be thankful. You need the help,” she smirked. Sungyoung scowled before taking her seat. She glared at Jongwoon who only shrugged and continued listening to his earphones.


Sungyoung was on her way home when a black car stopped in front of her. The moment the window was rolled all the way down, she saw Jongwoon. “Get in,”

“And why should I?”

Jongwoon flinched but kept his cool. “We have a project to do, remember?” Sungyoung scowled and kept walking. Jongwoon sighed and got off but didn’t chase after her. “Look, Sungyoung, I do not like this as well, but, I’m not planning on dropping my grades just because you don’t want to work with me. I’d rather work alone, honestly,”

Sungyoung just stood there, unmoving. Jongwoon sighed and was about to enter his car when, “Fine. It’s just for the project. Don’t get the wrong idea,” she said. Jongwoon nodded and smiled, ushering her to sit.


Days passed since they began working together. Surprisingly, Sungyoung was beginning to get comfortable around Jongwoon. She was even starting to talk to him properly, even during school. However, things don’t really stay good until the end.

Sungyoung was walking towards the school gates, ready to meet up with Jongwoon to do their project when a group of girls blocked her way. “What do you want?” she asked.

One of the girls smirked. “You said it yourself, right, Sungyoung?” she laughed. “You said you can never like Jongwoon-oppa, didn’t you?”

Sungyoung flinched. “I...I don’t like him,” she said but it sounded more like a question.

The girl’s smirk grew wider. “Really? Well, from the looks of it, it seems like you’ve fallen head over heels for him,”

Sungyoung stood there, frozen and watched as the girls walked away. She just stood there, unmoving, until Jongwoon arrived. “Hey, Sungyoung,” Jongwoon smiled. Sungyoung blinked. Her eyes began to get blurry. She looked at Jongwoon before running away. “Hey, Sungyoung!”

Jongwoon ran after Sungyoung, trying hard to keep his eyes on her. He finally saw her stop before sitting on a nearby bench. He took deep breaths as he caught up with her. He skidded to a stop when he heard sobs from her. “Sungyoung...,”

“NO! Go away!” she yelled without looking up. “Leave me alone!”

“I...did I do something wrong?” Jongwoon asked, taking a step back.

“That’s just it! You didn’t do something wrong! You didn’t do something make me hate you,” she yelled as she turned to face Jongwoon, tears streaming down her face. “I’m supposed to hate you!” she said.

Jongwoon was taken aback. “ scared of falling...for me?”

Sungyoung wiped turned around and wiped her tears. She fought to keep her sobs to herself. “I...,” she choked. “I...,”

Jongwoon tried to suppress his smile. “Have you...fallen for me, Sungyoung?”

Sungyoung got pissed and turned around to reprimand him only to be stopped by the feeling of lips on hers. Jongwoon smiled when he pulled back. “’Coz I have,”

End!! Sorry for the long wait!! And sorry if it .


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