Stupid sisters...literally

lolz okay, this happened yesterday and i was like totally cracking up! I was doing my maths homework and i came across this question (i was doing algebra by the way) and i had to find out what 5 divide by 0 was. ui was like O.O 'what?!' okay, you guys might think im really stupid right now, but i swear it was just a one time thing. I asked my sister and brother what it was, they're both older than me by the way, but my sister just looked at me as if i was an idiot. then i was like is it 0? and my sister was like 'Oh yeah totally~' she was like so sarcastic it wasn't even funny, but im dumb remember? and i asked her 'really?' and she was like 'No it isn't you idiot! it's 1!!' then i was like O.O 'really?' and then that's when my brother just stood there, and i took out my calculator. i was so sure i was right and it turns out i was! My sister was the idiot not me! and she was calling ME stupid! Look who's talking! some of you guys might know my jie, she's also a member on this site, and anyother guilun fan who writes fanfics. but im not saying her name!!! What an idiot, i couldn't stop laughing at her, then she started attacking me with my bolster and it hurt!!! T_T she's so mean!!!


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