Frustrations that I can't talk about to anyone near me..

I HATE MY LIFE SOMETIMES!! Sorry for the spam but I really really hate this part of my life!! Most of you know that tomorrow is my birthday (manse!) and most of you know that I have siblings too. Well one of my siblings, my older sister, moved out and came back home expecially for me so we could celebrate together.

So that didn't work out. She's been here for fours hours and my parents and her already got in a fight! I know it's not Christmas time or anything but IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Can't I spend at least ONE birthday without having to stuff my ears with music (absolutely lovable music though, it was SNSD's Run Devil Run) so that I won't hear them yell at each other? I really don't like to ask for things but I wish they would pick some other time to fight. In another 24 hours my sister is going home again and I won't see her again for who knows how long?! 

Also science has proven that the tension between me and my mother is physically damaging me. Yes, you read that correctly! Because she bosses me around and breaks down in tears or starts screaming hysterically when I say anything against her will so I almost never do that, I get too stressed and tired. It's proven, it's making me ill! (Honestly, it's why I'm coughing so much lately! It wasn't due to the inexsistent smog) I hate my life because now she's constantly 'complaining' about it! (Like: Oh ------- is it really troubling you? I can totally feel what you feel! It's so stressful! I really don't want this blah blah blah blah blah blah!) Gosh I hate life sometimes.. Luckily there's still K-pop thus I live. But I'm going to have to stop purchasing CD's soon because the sites are charging about 20 % more so I can't afford it anymore.. I hate those stupid commercial sites.. I know they got to make a living out of it but do they really have to exploit their customers just because they can?


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ChinChin-Chingu #1
Omo chingu~ your going trough so much~ at a time were you should be at ease and relaxing! Since it's your B-daaay soon . I really wished i could comfort you over there~ But i'm just stuck here in little Europe, so fare fare away from you T_T<br />
I really hope your parents and sister stop fighting! if they don't, then just take charge and ask them 'this one time' to try and put their own problems aside for YOUR sake<3 otherwise it's not fair, anything but fair to be ecaxt -.- But life sometimes is like that and that's when we've gotta step in and take some control <3 I really wish you'll have an AMAZING birthday (no matter what!) and remember to tell me ALL about it^^ anywayyyys~ you know i'm always here for you!<br />
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Your dearest chingu<br />
Nuuri <3