Goals for the summer!

Hello! I was out today and since tomorrow is my birthday (I'm turning eighteen, I feel so old) I felt it was time for me to set some goals!

So I set some goals for the summer. That doesn't mean I'm going to achieve all of them this summer but I'm going to try and achieve all of them :) Here they are:

1. Learn Korean.

2. Learn how to drive a car (I specifically didn't put 'get a driver's liscense' here because that's too expensive and also unachievable in a summer).

3. Get a decent job (to pay for driving lessons and also new CD's I wanted to buy)

4. Register on a site in order to find a room for when I move out (it'll be in two years)


So yeah that's it, what are your summer goals?!

Have a nice summer!

-xxx- Moon


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jungminian0403 #1
good luck chinngu!