Tagged by dannybot


1. Who is your favourite K-Pop group?

All time favourite is Big Bang, but favourite right now is Infinite

2. Favourite song by a female K-Pop group?

Clap Your Hands - 2NE1

3. Favourite song by a male K-Pop group?

Paradise - Infinite

4. A group you think everyone should listen to?


5. Most inspiring K-Pop song? (Or one that just makes you happiest)?

Koe Wo Kikasete - Big Bang [I know it's Japanese but oh well]

6. Favourite K-Pop music video?

I am the Best - 2NE1 or Tick Tack - U-Kiss

7. Like any K-Dramas? 

My favourites are Goong and You're Beautiful.

8. We all have a bias, who's yours?

Mister Tee oh Pee

9. If you could ask your bias one question, what would it be?

If you could eat ice cream with one dead celebrity who comes alive for a day, which celebrity and which flavour of ice cream?

10. Do you speak Korean or any other language besides English?

I speak the average fangirl amount of Korean, a bit of French and a bit of German with a smidge of Mandarin.

11. Describe the most memorable dream you've ever had about an idol.

I once dreamt I was walking around my village with TOP holding hands. It was just nice. 


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I enjoyed reading it~