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Q:What is karma for?


A: Karma can be used to purchase particular features on Asianfanfics. Think of it as AFF currency. Karma can also increase your chances of having one of your stories featured. 


Ohhh.... Didn't know that. Not that I want to be featured. But this just proves my theory, the reason why people get featured is either by commenting a lot or submitting 109837384894 videos.


Q: Why isn't my karma increasing?

A: Karma only goes up whenever you comment on someone else's story or submit a video. 


*evil face* it all makes sense now......






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At least they've scrapped the karma thing for upvoting! You'd be lucky to be on daily random story really.
elisaexplosive #2
Rated stories aren't allowed to get feautured. that's why i rate most of my stories :d If I ever get up there, I would be ashamed!
And think of all the "Congratz on being feautured" -comments you will get! All those people say that to get their own karma up- those comments are not constructive kritism, but just meaningless and dull.
Sometimes I wonder if the creator of this site never thinks to himself like "Damn, this is like the 446545645th gangster fic that gets featured. Should I do something about it?"
(I regret nothing telling my opinion and risking haters.)