My answer to Jaedrug's Tagging Game Question ^______^


My Tagging Game starts now!


1.      What is the most despicable food you would share with your bias and why?

HMMM!!! the brains of sheep..?? but I don't want to be too judgemental if others do eat it, why not give it a try..(Whooaahh! ako na ako na talaga hihi!)

2.      If your bias will turn out to be a fairytale character, who would he be and why?

KYAAAHHH!!! THE 3 LITTLE PIGS:D (love the baboys so much)=) because he is *___* Yoochun^^ 

3.      If you can be Romeo and Juliet, how would you and your bias choose to die?

                 a.       By choking on rat stew

                 b.      By drowning in a swamp of pee. (eww!)

                 c.       By having all the psychos in famous thriller movies chase you and butcher you both to death.

I'd choose C. to feel the adrenaline rush and the roller coaster thrill and excitement..weehhee!!:D

4.      If you get to spend a day in Jurassic park with only one of your biases, who would it be and why?

I'd spend it with Taemin^^ hehe! I'm pretty much sure we'll have fun..xD


5.      If your bias can grant you one death wish, what would it be and why? just fell asleep...a peaceful death

6.      If you could give your bias a girl name, what would it be and why do you think it would suit him?

still KEY because he is almighty key:D

7.       If you are given only one night to have the ability to pass through walls, whose walls would you cross through and why?

I would pass through the vault of the world's richest syndicate group and steal their money and use it for better purposes..(robinhood lang..keke!)

8.      If you see your bias someday on a date with some unknown girl, what extreme thing would you do to have that girl leave him and why?

Act like I was the cheated girlfriend! haha! and slap him *plak* then walk away keke!

9.      If you happen to find a journal on the street one day and discover that it belongs to your bias, what would you do with it and why? Also, would you even consider returning it?

I would give it back to him...then he'll thank me then we'll be BFFs hehe!

10.  If your bias becomes crazy one day, what would you do to make him sane again and why?

Pray constantly and do novenas...=) and put him in a mental hospital..I think its the best way..:D

11.  Who’s your bias and why do you love him so much? (Answer as long as you like.) ^^

hehe! I have so many bias but I'll settle with Micky with number 11 ^^ I love him so much because he is the right mix of the things I love and hate. ^___^


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waaahhhh!!! cuz... I super love your answers. My smile just keeps getting wider as I progress. LOL! Ikaw n ikaw tlga lalo n yung vault of the richest syndicate in the world and the yo baboy! Hahah! Ngayon alam ko na... c Micky tlga ang syang tunay n platoon commander ng army of biases mo. ^___^ Yikee, the right mix of everything you hate and love pla ha. Ikaw n! HUGS! thanks for being a good sport. ^^ HUGS!