Let's Play Tagging Game! ^__^


Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


tagged by: dubumints



1. What would you prefer, having your bias despise you forever or having your bias love the girl you despise forever?

Having my bias love the girl I despise forever because its still not sure if they would end together haha! *evilness*


2. What would you do if your bias is gay?

I'll go parteeyyy with him!! wehehehe!!:D


3. Do you also think Onew is perfect? (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION.XD)

Nah...:D teehee! he's beyond perfection chos~!^^

4. What would you do if you suddenly woke up beside Taemin? Choose one: FLEE or KILL him?

FLEE! and run to the fridge to drink his favorite banana milk. Nyahaha!xD

5. If you become a boy, which girl group MEMBER would you date?

I would date Hyunah of 4minute ^__^


6. Choose one person who will stalk you forever:

a. 2AM's Changmin

b. SJ's Shindong

c. F.Cuz's Jinon

a. 2AM's Changmin, so I can befriend Jokwon..hahaha!

7. What deadly weapon would you use to kill your bias?

A Key and a straw teehee! =)


8. If your sister and your bias got married, are you seriously going to be happy for them? If you don't have a sister then replace it with your bestest girlfriend :)

YES...I'll just find another bias from my loongg list hihi:)

9. If you could take away one member from your bias group, who would it be? YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE!Shinee's Choi Minho *evil laugh*


10. You suddenly got stuck somewhere with your bias, where would that place be?

PS. You guys will be stuck there FOREVER so choose wisely!

a. a bathroom cubicle

b. a torture chamber

c. under the bed.

Can I choose d. none of the above?? haha!

11. Do you hate me now? :D

Nah uh. It was totally F-U-N! :D




1. What would you do to date your bias?

a. kidnap him

b. bribe him with 1 year supply of food

c. tickle him until he agrees

d. others (pls. specify)

2. If you can turn someone into a pet who would it be and why?

3. What would you do if a member of your favorite group announces that he is your boyfriend in front of your bias?

a. stare at him with those laser eyes and say “do you want to die?”

b. punch him and walk away

c. throw tantrums shamelessly

d. just go with the flow

4. If you were given a chance to kiss someone who would it be and why?

Then *poof* he became a frog! =) What is your reaction?

5. If you have KEY’s phone number what would you do with it?

a. sell it to the ultimate KEY fan worth $500

b. call him and make scary noises just like “The Grudge”


d. call him and pretend to be a bank representative and tell him he has maxed out his credit card

6. If you were to name someone “FLAMING CHARISMA” who would it be and why?

7. If Taemin asks you to drink banana milk ONLY for a day what would you do?

a. agree but do otherwise

b. scream NO!! And make a drama out of it

c. silently walk away

d. tell him “Are you nuts? Try doing it first”

8.  What will you do if the only way to date your bias is to choose between bungee jumping or be chase by a mad dog for 15 minutes?

9. Describe Onew using words that start with letter O only

10. If you are given the chance to choose a tattoo for Jonghyun what would it be and where would you put it?

a. an eye on his nape

b. tonsils on his neck

c. an ear to each cheek

d. a hand that appears to be covering his mouth

11. If I can grant you one wish what would it be?=)












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thanks for answering couz! IMY! :)