Tagged by star-maknae unnie :3




1 | Post the rules

2 | Answer the set of questions the tagger gave you in their post. After answering them, make your own eleven questions.

3 | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

4 | Let them know you tagged them! (Wall post, PM, airmail--lol, jk.)


하나 | Do you write fan-fictions? If yes, how did you start your interest in writing? And, what are your favorite fan-fictions on AFF? (I’m out of nice fan-fictions to read, so list as many as you want. ><)




→ I don't write XD My favorites? You sure? Because most of my favorites are EXO and... .-.

둘 | Which K-pop group is your favorite, currently? What song(s) would you recommend from them?

→ EXO ;u; and I really like Two Moons by both of EXO K and EXO M

셋 | Rank, from most important to least important what you look for in a fan-fiction: perfect English, good storyline and characters/idols starring in it. Why?

→ First of all is the storyline, if I don't like the storyline I would never continue to read it. Then how the writers used the capitals, punctuation marks, and stuffs correctly. And then the grammars. Those are the most important things that I look for in a fanfics. The least important is the poster for fanfic. Don't judge book by it covers, bro!

넷 | What do you aspire to be in future?

→ I want to have a happy and peaceful life with my family, friends, works, and many others at least I could live happily and peacefully ;u;

다섯 | Who is your ultimate bias? If it’s the opposite , would you want to be your bias’s sibling or love interest?

→ Currently is Byun Baekhyun from EXO XD His voice is very awesome! Although D.O's voice is more awesome x)

여섯 | Other than fan-fictions, do you read other genres? Any recommendations?

→ I read manga! If you like something about romance and school-life, you should read Kimi Ni Todoke! But if you like something like sadistic, supernatural, and stuffs you should read Deadmen Wonderland, and this is very sadistic. And these two are my favorites manga all the time, Death Note (mystery) and Pandora Hearts (supernatural, but not sadistic). ouo

일곱 | What is the most important thing to you, that you cannot live without?

→ Oxygen B|

여덟 | If you could choose, where would you want to live?

→ I want to live in Korea or Japan -u-

아홉 | What languages do you speak? Do you have any language you would like to learn?

→ I speak Bahasa a lot XD Sometimes English and I learn Arabic on school. I want to learn Korean and Japanese, maybe Mandarin too x)

열 | Describe yourself.What do you like most about yourself?

→ Lazy , indifferent, stingy, big eater, kind, hyper, fun to be teased and bullied OTL and much more. I don't know ;__;

열한 | What would your ideal soul mate be like?

→ I want my soul mate is someone that smarter than me, funny, honest, kind of course ;3, and much more that I could forgot about it OTL




My Questions~!

1. What group/singer that you dislike/hate the most? And why?

2. How do you know AFF?

3. Do you still remember the 1st fanfic that you read? If yes, please tell a bit of the story!

4. What makes you know Kpop?

5. Who's your ultimate female bias and why do you like her?

6. Who's your 1st bias?

7. What's your favorite quote all the time?

8. Ultimate OTP?

9. If your ultimate bias had girlfriend, would you be jealous?

10. The most favorite American/British singer/group that you know?

11. Do you have any siblings?


Lucky people that I tag:

  • theowlgirl
  • moonGY
  • sweetieheart2
  • star-maknae
  • sweetsmile
  • Milky-chan
  • foreverakid
  • --iuVanilleau
  • exo_ed
  • _sannie_
  • lightless-


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trinity- #1
1. What group/singer that you dislike/hate the most? And why?
APink ... don't ask. OTL

2. How do you know AFF?
Erm, my twinnie used it so I did too! C: Hurhur.

3. Do you still remember the 1st fanfic that you read? If yes, please tell a bit of the story!
No, actually I don't ... ;__; But I know it was Daragon LOOOL.

4. What makes you know Kpop?
SNSD, heheheh

5. Who's your ultimate female bias and why do you like her?
IU! She has a stunning voice and she's just adorable. <3

6. Who's your 1st bias?

7. What's your favorite quote all the time?
"People change. Memories don't."

8. Ultimate OTP?
I don't know -sobs- SO MANY

9. If your ultimate bias had girlfriend, would you be jealous?
Nope ._. Like ... they have to get a girlfriend someday yo.

10. The most favorite American/British singer/group that you know?

11. Do you have any siblings?
One. Annoying. Lil. Sister. OTL
LOL oxygen xDDD
and LOLLL at your reponse to question 10 xDDD

*off to answer questions*