Zenith Application


AFF username: LoveLikeChocolate 

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/30876 

Character name: Song Jina

Nicknames: Ji or Piggy (she eats a lot) or Baby (because she can act like one)

Stage name: JiJi (Pronounced as GiGi)

Persona: Graceful Baby Umma 

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 44 kg

Age: 17

Birthdate : October 18, 1993








Ulzzang name: Kim Shin Yeong


:D | x3 | (:

Jina likes to wear bright, expensive clothes. Her clothes and accessories must be designers at all times ; From all her skinny jeans, to her cute PJs. Jina also likes to wear high heels because being on the short side, she likes to feel tall.

But don't be fooled. Just because her clothes are designer, doesn't mean that she has her outfits planned. No. Most of the time, Jina just throws on whatever she finds in her closet, whether skinny jeans or shorts, or blouses or t-shirts. Though she doesn't think she looks good enough, many people say she does. It must be because her clothes are designer, huh?


Though she is very immature, demanding, spoiled, and bratty, Jina has an opposite personality ; the one that will ONLY come out to the people who are patient and strong enough to break down her exterior.

Once this personality is let out, Jina will begin to act like her true self : the louder, nicer, and caring girl. 

Don't be freaked, though, because this doesn't happen a lot. Jina isn't the best at giving her trust away just like that. So once a person gets it, they better take care of it, because they're only getting ONE chance at it. But she will listen to their explanation. If their explanation is reasonable or true enough, then there is a slight chance she will forgive them. But be warned : nothing will be the same ever again unless the person who made her trust break is willing enough to repair their friendship back to the way it was , or even better than it was before.

Jina, though not asked to, will also take care of anyone younger than her. She would also clean, cook, wash the dishes, and all those house hold chores. This is why she is dubbed as the Graceful Baby Umma.

Family Background: 

Coming from a rich family and being the youngest of two, Song Jina was a spoiled child. Whenever she asked for something, her wish was granted. Because of this, she became a spoiled, bratty kid.

But her family’s treasures had to come from somewhere, right? Yes, right. Their treasure came from her parents’ hard work. You see, her mom and dad were the CEOs of Song International, a company that most musical companies (i.e. SM Entertainment, CUBE Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, etc.) went to for studio recordings. Having bases in Seoul, and Incheon, South Korea, and in Los Angeles, California and Manhattan, New York, they were pretty busy traveling and making sure their business stayed intact.

Because of this, Jina didn’t see her parents a lot, probably only on some birthdays and the occasional three month visits every year. Her older brother Song JinHyuk, being seven years older than her, and her most trusted nanny, Lee KyuMin, became the parental figures in her life. She went to them for any problems or needs. She always got what she wished for, ranging from new clothes to new books.


- Jina just HAS to sleeps with her dearest dinosaur plushy, Bling Bling, every night.

- Jina has a habit of cooking when she's sad, mad, or depressed.

- Jina sleepwalks when things don't go her way and she's disappointed.

- Jina has a habit of picking fights with people who plainly don't understand her/with people who get in the way of her happiness.

- Jina has a habit of sleeping with her earphones in her ears, even though she knows it's bad for her.

- Jina has a habit of clapping loudly or banging her fist on anything she can get her hands on.


- Jina likes to cook/bake.

- Jina likes to read, write, paint, and almost anything else that involves literature.

- Jina likes to take pictures of nature.

- Jina likes to volunteer at animal shelters and/or orphanages, but hardly ever gets any work done because she's too busy playing with the children or animals.


- Jina has always put a "tattoo" (with pen or marker) on her wrist ; it always says "Dancing is my passion."

- Jina is a vegan ; a strict one.

- Jina's imitations are as good as Kim ShinYoung's.

- Jina is free of piercings.

- Jina is ambidextrous ; she can write with both hands.

- Jina is diagnosed with OCD.

- Jina has two dogs ; twins named Ying and Yang.

- Jina is good friends with Min of miss A and Dara of 2NE1.



Brother Song JinHyuk - August 16, 1987 ;  24 years old

Parent's names: 

Mother Song "Wang" Jia - June 30, 1967 ; 44
Father Song HyunSook - January 19, 1967 ; 45 

Love Interests:

1. Lee Taemin of SHINee 

2. Niel of Teen Top

Rivals: -None-


Leader/Sub Vocals

Lead Singer (3rd choice)

Lead Rapper/Lead Dancer (1st choice)

Lead Dancer/Sub Vocals (2nd choice)

Maknae/Stylist of Zenith

Lead Beatboxer/Sub Dancer


Why you think you should be chosen:    I think I     

(Jina's POV)


 I think I should be chosen because I try my best at everything I do, no matter how hard and complicated it is. I want to prove to everyone that I'm not just some rich girl who can't stand it when her nail chips, or something like that. I want to prove to everyone that I'm different.


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Heythere!<br />
I read through your application, liked your last sentence, about wanting to be different xD<br />
Thanks for applying!