I, Shiraishi Keiko, Wanna Ride the Girlfriend Express

I, Shiraishi Keiko, Wanna Ride the Girlfriend Express~



Character's Owner Hello

Username: nothings-over
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/32665
Name: Kei

Character's Basic Information
Real Name: Shiraishi Keiko
Nickname: Kei, because she just likes Kei more than Keiko
The Name She'll Go By Once She Becomes A "Girlfriend": Sakurai Minami
Age and Date of Birth: 21, October 26th, 1990
Nationality & Ethnicity: Japanese
Languages: Japanese, German, English

Character's Apperance
Extra Links To Your Girl:
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 42
Backup Girl #1: Do Hwae Ji
Backup Girl #2: Kim Seul Mi

Character's Characteristics
Personality: Kei is always the "responsible, intelligent, respectable, and perfect" child. Her grades are impeccable, teachers and adults adore her, she is every type of perfect, right? Wrong. Kei suffers from anxiety due to constant stress. Her parents don't force her so much as from a young age, she built up an image of perfection, so her parents have grown to expect that from her. But now, her parents expect her to be the model child who they can show off and brag about, especially because she has two younger siblings. And it has finally become too much for her. She is polite and reserved, but that's only because that's what she thinks everyone expects her to be like. In truth, she actually believes that if she isn't perfect, the people around her will abandon her because she thinks her only value comes from her apparent "perfection". Kei is someone who is likable and friendly, but is difficult to figure out and really get to know, mostly because she always thinks she has to put up an image, and rarely shows her true fun, dorky personality. The only people who see this side often are her friends, her siblings, and her siblings friends (mainly because she often messes with her brother in front of his friends). At heart, Kei is stubborn, a bit manipulative, not shy, and fun to be around. It's just time that she broke out of that shell of expectations that she's been locked in. Oh and usually to de-stress, Kei enjoys stuff like bungee jumping. She also enjoys playing guitar with her brother because she taught him.
Likes: astronomy, books, j-pop and j-rock, art, puzzles, mysteries, wine, tea, plants, food
Dislikes: bugs, pollution, melodramas, stereotypes, prejudiced people, rude people, unstylish people, anyone who messes with her siblings
Hobbies: star-gazing, cooking, reading, playing guitar, painting, writing poetry, playing shogi, bungee jumping
Habits: tapping her feet, tapping her pen, biting her lip, scratching her neck when thinking
Fears: dolls (they creep her out a lot), unstable places or platforms, disappointing her parents
Pet Peeves: when girls fake acting cute, when people eat with their mouths open, when girls where too much foundation, when people waste food, when people dress out of season (so like a really short skimpy dress when it is freezing out)
Trivia: Kei has a tattoo on her neck of a supernova: http://openclipart.org/people/ryan_s/supernova.svg

Character's Clothing Style
Casual At Home/In General:
Fun, Outing With Friends:
Going On Dates:

The Character's Chosen Story Plot
Title of Plot: Cheating
- Shiraishi Keisuke / Father / 54 / restaurant chef and owner / Kei's father Keisuke (who she was named after) owns a small family restaurant. He is a rather calm and clever man and is respected greatly by his children, particularly Kei. The two have a really good relatonship, and she is his favorite child. It is because of this that she tries so hard to please him, because his opinion of her and his expectations are what she cares about more than anything.
- Shiraishi Kanae / Mother / 52 / waitress at restaurant / Kei's mother Kanae is your typical mother: she nags and nags and nags. She also is the one who generally brags about her children adding more pressure for Kei. She does care a lot about her children, but sometimes her desire for her children to succeed gets the better of her.
- Shiraishi Emi (use Takei Emi as reference) / Younger Sister / 18 / high school student and part-timer at family restaurant / The first of Kei's two younger siblings (the two are twins), Emi is like Kei's voice of reason. Despite being younger, sometimes, it feels like she is wiser, though not like school smarts. Emi is the type of girl who likes to go out and have lots of fun, but at the end of the day, she is one of the most responsible and trustworthy people Kei knows. She and Sota have the same friends and are as tight as it gets. She sometimes sings with Sota's band.
- Shiraishi Sota (use Fukushi Sota as reference) / Younger brother / 18 / high school student, part-timer at family restaurant, and "band member" / The second of Kei's younger siblings, Sota is the opposite of Emi. He is always goofing off and running around with his "band", which he plays guitar for. He's a good kid, but he doesn't have the best luck all the time, and often ends up running into things, tripping, falling, etc. If Emi is wise beyond her years, Sota is childish despite his years. But like Emi, he is really close to Kei and she loves him more than anyone else because "He's her baby brother", and she loves to hug him and embarass him in front of his friends.
Friends/Other Relations:
Inomata Takahiro / the Twins' friend / 18 / high school student and "band member" / Taka is one of Sota and Emi's friends, actually Sota's best friend. He secretly has a crush on Emi, and Kei knows and sometimes advises him about it. He is practically her second brother. He is the vocalist of the band.
Furukawa Yusuke / the Twins' senpai and Kei's kouhai and friend / 19 / university student, barista, and "band member" / Sota's senpai from high school, he is the drummer for Sota's band, and is good friends with Kei because the two attend the same university. She is his tutor.
Nishioka Haruka / the Twins' friend / 17 / high school student / Emi's best friend, Haruka is a friendly and sweet girl who often goes to Kei for advice.
Watanabe Yuji / the Twins' friend / 17 / high school student and "band member" / Yuji is the bassist of Sota's band. He's a cute kid and when she can, Kei tutors him too.
The "Boyfriend": Matsuzaka Tori
The Backup #1: Takaki Yuya
The Backup #2: Mizobata Junpei
The Rival: Kato Shizuko

Character's Good Bye
Anything Else?:


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oh and application is a-okay. d(^___^)b
hehe thanks for filling it out. ;D
and i love Meitantei Conan both with Mizobata and Oguri. <3
anyways, are the siblings based upon real people too?
i know of Takei Emi but not Fukushi Sota. :O
but ohh Matsuzaka Tori is love. <3
my sister loved him in Asuko March. lol