Yet another tag

rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.

1. What are you procrastinating on by doing this? Updating my fanfics =/

2. Do you think of North Korean people as a separate entity from South Korea people? Yes and no. I don't have biases against North Korean people because they don't have control over their government, but I do think of them as two seperate countries.

3. Saddest moment of your life? The day I was banned from eating chocolate... just kidding... I'm not that insensative. For real I'd have to say just a couple days ago... I realized how soon my brother was going away to the army (he leaves on Monday) and I'm having some relationship issues. I guess it wasn't exactly the saddest moment... more like it was the worst feeling I've ever had.

4. Your ultimate girl bias and why. Dont really have one....

5. Your ultimate boy bias and why. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm................. well................. let me think..................... uhhhhhhhhhh..................... ummmmmmmmmmmmm.............. JB from JJ Project.

6. How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one.

7. What do your parents think of your obsession/liking of kpop? They find it stupid and they constantly insult it but I've forced them to become accustomed to it by constantly singing it infront of them so now they just ignore it.

8. Your favorite karaoke song to sing. (Doesn’t have to be korean). Inori (it's the Japanese version of You Raise Me Up)

9. Do you decide whether or not you are going to subscribe by its forward and title? Depends on the story... apply fics yes... others I usually look at the first chapter too.

10. An embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently. Yesterday I had to feed marshmallows to my friend (who's a girl) while she was trying to feed me marshmallows. Oh and we both had blindfolds on. Let's just say it was hard to find each other's mouths.

11. What do you love about yourself? What do you see in yourself that you think, wow, I would be jealous of someone else had this trait and I didn’t. (Physical or personality-wise). Being a total ert... in a funny way

12. Do you believe life already has meaning when we are born, or do you think we create meaning as we go? I think we create meaning and each person's meaning is different based on their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

13. Do you see yourself as more of a social butterfly, a loner, or someone very involved in one group? How does it make you feel? I think I'm very involved in one or two groups. I'm shy at the beginning but once I get comfortable in a group I'm completely outgoing.

14. Do you wear make-up/dress-up nicely everyday of only on special occasions? Mainly just on special occasions.

15. Do you have a tumblr? :D Link me! Nope =(

16. What is the color you wear the most? (Clothing, makeup, underwear, whatever... XD) probably black and white... I'm not emo but I'm just not the most colorful person ever.

17. What is the sport/instrument/skill/academic subject you are best at? I'm pretty good at writing... especially fantasy.

18. What is one place you want to travel to, but not live? Well I want to live in Korea so I guess England would be nice.

19. Name two idols you would want to be best friends with, but not date. Taemin and Key

20. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how superficial do you think you are? 3

21. Your iPod/music player is on shuffle. What are the first three songs you get? OR tell me the most meaningful three songs you have listened to and tell me why they are so meaningful. Three songs that are really meaningful to me are BigBang's Love Song, SHINee's Hello, and Super Junior's It's You. It's not even that the songs themselves are that meaningful to me, but there were points in time where I had a very strong emotion like sadness or lonliness and I would constantly listen to a song. Now whenever I hear those songs, the memories and emotions come back to me.

22. If you were an idol, would you want a screen personality that was different from yours or would you want the world to see you as you? I would want the world to see me as me whether they likes what they saw or not.


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