Tinywings playing the tag game?

I don't quite know if I'm doing this right, since it seems like I'm missing out some things (the disadvantage of not coming on AFF for a couple of days) but well, let's try! :D So... Looking at the rules, I have to... Paste the rules...

rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Okay, I got to 'tags', if I can call it so, so I'll just answer both :D

First, from TaeLin:

001. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
*throws alarm away* Let's sleep a little while more...

002. Before you logged into asianfanfics, what were you doing previously?
I was writing down a fanfic idea :D

003. Ultimate bias and why? Only one.
Whatthe... Well, uh... I always believed that Taemin is my ultimate bias, because... I don't quite know, just because :D. I admire his seriousness when he is performing, and the determination he has on such a young age :)

004. Do you sing in the shower?
Well no... Actually, really, no :)

005. How'd you find out about asianfanfics?
The holy power of the internet :)

006. Which fanclub have you been part of the longest? How long?
...? If we just stick to kpop, I've been a fan of Super Junior the longest :) I have loved them endlessly since 2009 :)

007. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
The candy shop, please :)

008. What's something you would change about yourself?
My occasional laziness

009. What's something you absolutely can't stand?
People who hate. Don't hate on people! >:(

010. What's something you have no regrets doing?
Writing? :D Enjoying life :D

011. What's your current obsession?
Reading hunhan fanfics  That would be watching videos on YouTube :D And looking for hunhan videos

Second, from Oviihc:

1.-How Many K-Pop songs do you have on your pc/Lap/Cell/Mp3/etc.?
O__O well, that's a good question... Please don't ask me to answer that!! Not a lot, I have to admit, since I'm too lazy to download songs or to even put them on my phone O___O
2.-How many K-Pop dances do you know?
None... I only know how to act like I know how to dance the sprout dance of B1A4  :D
3.-What's your favorite K-Pop group?
Welllllll.... Super Junior, no? :O XD :D
4.-Would you rather be a manager or member of your favorite group or would you like to be on any other group?
...? ...?! I would go solo >:D
5.-What was your family's reaction to any K-Pop song?
My mother sang along with EXO-M's What is Love >:) As for my beloved little brother, I tortured him until he could memorize all Super Junior member's names >:D (he is secretly thankful now :))
6.-And your friends reaction?
My friend is a crazier person when it comes to kpop than I am... Making things worst: she enjoys asian things more than I do, and she is not even asian O__O (No offense (to my friend: I love you! :D), but just showing just how much of a fail I am... ._.)
7.-Have you ever danced a K-Pop song in public or had a performance of a K-Pop dance cover? if yes, what song was it?
That's a good one... I don't think I actually have... Though if I do, it would probably have been a fail dance of Super Junior's sorry sorry XD
8.-Who is your favorite Oppa and your favorite unnie?
? Like, from kpop? I don't even know them? Kyuhyun oppa? My dear unnie and chunnie? :D
9.- What do you think about being a K-Idol?, is it cool or not?
I would hate it. >:( really, I don't like the thought of it. I would rather be seen as a singer, if I were to join the music industry.
10.- If you where a K-Idol, what would be your fanbase name?
Well.... I don't quite know... I would call them 'friends' :D, that would be fun :D
11.-  If you were in your own Kpop band, who would you want in it, what would you name your group and what song do want to debut with?
I would want you in it! :D I would... I would want my crazy kpop addicted friend who is not asian to join us, so she can finally meet TOP, and we would be called... Welll... We... We would be called HIP and our fans HOP :D (Sorry, this is a lame joke between a firend of mine and me, but I do think it would be quite fun XD) Our song would be... BOOMSHAKALAKA! (Honestly, I don't know, but just to make fun of TOP, boomshakalaka :D)

Welll.... I'm not going to bother people with this, since I know they are already been bothered by XD So I'll just think of some questions and whoever wants to answer this, must certainly tell me since I want to read :D I just think that whoever read this above, will know more about me?? :D

1. What's your all time favorite kpop song? (Lame...)
2. Why did you decide to answer these questions from Tinywings?
3. Pick a kpop idol you like, and put the person with someone in real life you don't quite like. What do you see their first encounter will be? :D (Oh my, the question...XD)
4. Why kpop?
5. Alright, honestly, just how much do you love kpop? between 0-100
6. Your latest obsession related to kpop is...
7. Which kpop idol resembles you the most?
8. My favorite kpop idol is... (A non easy one, lol, I believe)
9. What has kpop given you, except for musical joy and hilarious laughter? :)
10. What do you think of Super Junior? :D (oh my the question!! What the hell is wrong with me XD)
11. Tinywings' presence on AFF is............ to me.

Alright :D That's it :D



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chibi14 #2
B1A4. Sprout Dance.
It.. it.. its <3! haha