Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions

  1. baekhyun

  2. kris

  3. sehun

  4. kai

  5. suho

What do you like about 4?

  • Kai: Well,Let's see. What i like about him,His talents,looks and everything! ;~; too perfect :">

Is 2 an alcoholic?

  • Kris: Maybe? Lol. Probably since he looks like one (Sorry my bb kris) and he's already legal to drink one ^^ but I still love him <3

Can 1 sing?

  • Baekhyun: Heck yes!!! He can sing :"> Amazing Voice that melts my heart easily /dies/

Is 5 in a relationship?

  • Suho: Oh yes,He's in a relationship with me /winkeu winkeu/

Would you go out with 3?

  • Sehun: A BIG YEEESSSS.

Is 2 hot?

  • Kris: Are you even kidding me?! He's obviously freaking hot! very hot indeed /drools/ ♥

Can 3 cook?

  • Sehun: Uhhhmm,Idunno ;~; Sorry Sehun bb,If i don't know dee answer for this ;A; 

What do you like about 1?

  • Baekhyun: What I like about him? Everything!!! ;~; Baekhyun knows how much I like love him. He's too precious and perfect.

Has 4 had any solo albums?

  • Kai: Nuuuuuh.I don't think so.

Would you set up pair 2 and 5 together?

  • Chen & Chanyeol: Nu-uh. Never Gonna Happen. :p

Do you think 3 would be a good parent?

  • Sehun: Yes yes yes yo! even though he's still young <3

What do you like about 2?

  • Kris: His name,eyes,lips / mah lips OuO/,hair,his stare,his eyebrows,his height,his voice,ughhh! too many to mention!!! if only i can marry him,now ;~; I'm totally crazy for him <3 it's a severe case ;A;

Would 3 take drugs?

  • Sehun: No. He's like an angel,He would never do that. I'm sure of it OuO

Would 4 bail you out of jail?

  • Kai: Maybe? Orz. I hope he would :'>

Has 2 ever been on reality tv?

  • Kris: Nope. I guess? orz.

Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?

  • all: Lol. Kidding. I think no one would ;~; Huhuhuhu /creys in dee corner/ Forever Alone B|

Is 5 tall?

  • Suho: Uhuh. He's tall alright but if yer talking about Kris,He's definitely a giant! OuO

Do you like 4’s current hairstyle?

  • Kai: Of course! Gorgeous Hair :">

Is 2 gay?

  • Kris: Nope. He's straight bro B|

Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross dressing show?

  • Sehun,Kai & Kris: Nu-uh. /shakes head for 1836986301264  times/

Would 1 go skinny dipping?

  • Baekhyun: uhm,what's skinny dipping? would somebody tell me what's skinny dipping? ;A; I'm such a ignorant person -_____

Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?

  • Sehun: Nope. Orz.

Would 5 watch ?

  • Suho: Lol. Probably but i guess he's too innocent to watch one? XD

Is 2 single?

  • Kris: he's actually taken /coughcoughmecoughcough/ 

Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them have you pregnant?

I'll choose choice number 5 OuO Mehehehe >:))) Me and Suho would make cute babies :"> Aigoo! Dirty Mind of a 14 years old girl -_______-



stolen from:her


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byunqrins_ #1