T:G Application

Application Form


                                                         PERSONAL INFORMATION

AFF Username:  Sica--

AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/19094

Name:  Jessica / Sica

                                                         CHARACTER INFORMATION           

Name:   Shin Min Kyoung
Nickname(s): Mini - By her friends because she was always the smallest
Age: 21 years old
Date of birth: 07.03
Place of birth: Frankfurt
Ethnicity: German
Height:   1,64 cm
Weight:  58kg
Blood type:   0
Languages: Fluent - German and English
                     Semi Fluent in Korean but her pronounce nation is great and when she sings it doesn't              sound like she's just semi fluent in Korean.

                                                                                CHARACTER LOOKS

Ulzzang name:  Yoo Hyun Jin
Ulzzang links:
1    |      2     |     3     |     4

Back-up Ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji
Ulzzang links:
1     |      2     |     3     |     4

Fashion links:
1      |     2     |     3     |     4


                                                                               PERSONALITY ETC

Personality:   She's a wild type of girl who loves her freedom. She does what she wants and nearly doesn't listen to anyone. But besides that,  she's a geek. A big one! She loves playing videogames all day. And also go to competitions. She knows exactly what she wants and doesn't hold back saying that but she isn't straight forward towards people (like she never say what she thinks of them). She takes everything on a light shoulder not caring about anything besides her friends.  She forgives people also very easily and it's hard making her mad and she would be too lazy to start a quarrel .
She a good person but still knows how to bell back even though she never curses.
Yes, she's a lazy bum with full of energy.

She lived in Germany with her parents, and her older brother. She studied in a normal school, went out on weekends or stayed at home to play videogames. She also went on parties.
She met her friends talked to them on the phone. Just a normal German teenager life till she decided to study languages and culture in South Korea and so she moved there and studied there.
She also took care of an old Japanese shrine. It was her hidden secret place just like the one in the mountains.
She had  2 or 3 part time jobs and was very busy the most of times while also still studying for her school.

+ Strawberries in all kind of form it it's a milk shake or ice cream doesn't matter!
+ Wide fields
+ Sunflowers
+ Video/Computer games
+ IPod / Music
+ Windy days
+ The smell of rain on the pavement

-   being sad
-   over dramatic people who are being unrealistic
-   people who say they want this and that but don't do anything for it
-   aggressive people
-   make - up dolls
-   to disappoint someone
-   small rooms
-   bad smell
-   toilette brushes

+ Photography
+ Playing games
+ Sleeping
+ Horse riding
+ Astrology
+ YoYo
+ Learning languages
+ Cooking

+ Having two more piercings on he left ear
+ Has a scar on her right foot
+ Loves to eat BiBamBap
+  Has always sweets with her or any kind of food
+ When studying or going to school, she has her hair up into a mess-up bun like in K-Drama 's
+ She hates eating fish

+ She plays with a strain of her hair when she's nervous
+ She taps her fingers to a beat when her minds wanders off
+ She bites the inside of her cheeks when she's bored
+ She begins to stare when she's thinking about something
+ Rocks her feet back and forth when she's waiting for someone impatiently
+ Forgets what she wanted to say in the middle of a sentence

+ Cup Stacking
+ Playing Piano
+ Pen Spinning
+  Composing Songs
+ Comedy

                                                            FAMILY & FRIENDS


Shin Hyun Jae - 45 -  Mother - Owner of a bakery store - Alive
Shin Min Ki - 47 -  Father - Working by the newspaper industry - Alive
Shin Chin Ho - 25 - Older Brother - Student of the Physical
Best Friend:
WooHyun - 20 - Infinite /Idols :
Even though he's a little grouch, he's caring. He's in for everything and loves to do bets. He'll help you out where he can and always would be there for you no matter what. He made be kind of hard sometimes but he's actually a totally lovely guy. If you would be in trouble he would come to you and say he's also guilty. You can literally steal horses with him it's just fun spending time with him.
Kang Hyuk Min - 22 - Ulzzang/Model:
He's a total dork and very fishy. He's always up to something making people around him suspicious a lot. But he's really trustworthy and wants people around him laughing, smiling and totally happy. He always knows what makes people happy, and randomly takes them out if they want or not. He also suddenly says randomly a word when you're talking but because of his cuteness you can't get mad and smile.
SoHee -  24 - Wonder Girls / Idol:
Min Kyoung and SoHee are not the most closest friends, but they are comfortable with each other.  She can get very protective over her friends especially when they are dongsaeng 's to her. She smiles a lot making other also smile. She says what she thinks of people and doesn't take a leave infront of . Even though it hurts what she might tell you, she doesn't care. Whether you accept it, or you're written off.

Krystal - 23 - F(x) / Idol

Reason of rivalry: Well Min Kyoung always sees her flirting with guys. And even though it seems unrealistic to her, she is actually afraid that Krystal might snatch her SanDeul away.



Love interest:  B1A4 , SanDeul

Personality:  He's sweet and caring yet he can be hyper. He gets excited easily and something in his eyes shines then making him look like a little kid. He is loyal to his friends and always supports them. He isn't really a shy type of guy but around the girl he likes, his ears get a bit red and he smiled sheepishly around her . He smiles a lot and is were optimistic and happy. But he can be a little heartbreaker too because he never really was in love nor he had a girlfriend. But after some time all that vanishes.

First meeting:  Min Kyoung had to do a drawing for her art class. They should draw something what always makes them feel happy and relaxed. So Min Kyoung went to her favorite place. It was a little mountain and drew everything around her. Wide fields of flowers and grass, the tree she sat against, and the sun which had the color orange. But being frustrated because nothing really looked good to her, she went home holding on by a nearby café when she bumped into a guy.
He apologized and saw Min Kyoung 's puffed cheeks and he helped her out. After that they always bumped into each other like when she needed the bathroom and couldn't find it, or she tripped and so on...

Back-up love interest:  Ken , VIXX

He is a little bad boy and catches the hearts with his cute smile. He wouldn't ask for anything he just gets it. But still he knows how to be behold and is polite. He's really outgoing and not even shy in a bit. Not even when the girl he likes is around. He isn't the type of guy who just thinks of himself just when it's about his hair and clothes but normally he also listens to others.
he really is a good listener and you could call him at any time. He really is cooperative.

First meeting:
Min Kyoung got herself ready to go to the café after a hard day of dancing. Spraying her perfume on her neck, and she was ready to head out. As she did, she passed Ken making her heart skip. She felt his gaze after her, and she turned around and ran into the glass door making her fall onto her . He first laughed but helped her up. It was embarrassing for Min Kyoung, but in the end they went to the café together but she couldn't stop blushing and thinking about what had happened.

How you act around him:
She smiles and giggles a lot. She tried to be jokey and funny and shows her best side always. She's very polite and tried to hide her geek side and her little nerdy side don't want to seem boring.
She would rather listen to him all day than talking herself. She also gets little red on her nose tip but just minimal.

Relationship status: About to date him.


Trainee years: She was a trainee for 2 1/2 years.

Trainee life: She had been a bit too lazy and she was threatened to be thrown out so she began to working more harder even more than she actually had to. She got in contact with a lot of other trainee's and Idols. She practiced dancing with TaeMin a lot and they became good dance partners.
She loved pulling pranks on others and got a lot into trouble but she didn't care and did what she wanted to.

Jobs: She has a radio cast for foreign Kpop fans.


Stage name:  3R!

Persona:Multi faced geek / WildPlayer

Position:  Main Rapper / Sub-Vocalist

Fanclub name: Playmate

Fanclub colour: Light greento light blue


Scene requests:  Well maybe rap battles between  rappers of various groups and dance battle^^

Ideas and suggestions:  Hmmmm.... maybe just the radio show :D But not more actually XD^^

Goo Luck ^^



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