Today's the day..

Alright people...I stayed up till 2.10am just for this 2nd test >.<

Photobucket yeah...dats how ended up anyway ....

But but hehe dat morning I'm up and in a good moood yay yay~ me KTT n Q are like in a studious mood and bamm! we're hot and ready to ink our paper


....but the test starts at 2pm so *opens my lappy and starts playing stepmania* I can hear Q n KTT laughed like wuttt inside the room watching 9gag ...


since it's still early won't hurt to read some more right? so there i go reading n reading....but seriously this brain started to freeze, its overloaded! can' ah ah ah need too need too......*Photobucket

hah! but i didn't lol anyway, i continue my struggle by watching Infinte comback vids with KTT(she's like a huge fan & there i go tagging along) n omg 1st 2mins are Paradise *all hail the ing dance* but but just when the best part were to come....Photobucket

suddenly *--------*

noooooooooooooooooooo and yeah..d electric is down!!! what do we do????? well, we eventually get ready early and go to our fac.....boom girls lets get ready!Photobucket

and we started to read again...i dunno why but i just did that..studying *gasp~ anyway

test test here we go...Photobucket*walk towards the hall door of ....fate?*

as i sat on my table...*do some prayers* and...flip the papers open...oh oh

Photobucket noooooooooo >.<"

*will not say a word about the content.....*

when times up, a friend goes up to me and ask

F: Lina Lina!! how was it? luckily d questions are pretty straight forward right? *smiles bright it almost melts me*

Me: Photobucket

F: ......okay.....

Nvm that, need to start packing for tomorrows camp till sunday, lately im being too active outdoor or is it just me....c ya guys bet u can guess the late blog post..test assignments camp.....

Photobucket yay me...


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