When things didn't go as I planned it to be.....

Its 9am n geh~! Late as always...My class at Friday start at 10.30am, and I need to take a bus to go there pfft...(its a daily schedule)

My housemates woke up early than me haha as always, I would always be the one who would wake up and mumbles alone aswoijdmhih!@# >.<


KTT(kickthetable) goes around d room asking me to wake up wake up wake up ..what she didn't know about me after all this month staying together with me..


I eventually wakes up but we rush towards the bus stop like bunch of crazy girls..well duh its already 10am *runs like..


but somehow our effort gone to waste -.- our lecturer wasn't able to teach and there's no presentation for Q n M (my classmates a.k.a my housemates too), haha ! But wouldn't u knw it...We still got our test and we're like what?????!!!!


WELL! Luckily we made it out alive and still breathing *phew~ But my trouble isn't over yet, I myself got another test tonight, it's for my sport test..on paper? yeah on paper >.< weird but its necessary which I usually flunk...what do you expect from a person who only know how to play sports but not theoretically....

Plus, there's even paperwork or we like to call it, ASSIGNMENT! I'm sure and certain that the deadline is tomorrow on Saturday so there I go, rushing out to print them...but the shops computer jam N woah I'm late ~! My coach called me and I'm like wut??

Photobucket no no no no~~

Just when I thought the bus is here, well u guessed it...it's not there ! There i go again waiting n waiting n waiting........................


When I arrived, I'm the obvious late comer..still I manage to answer them yay~! The best part is, when I was going to send my paperwork, happily and proud since I'm the first person to hand it over *giggles~~~ my coach looked at me with this baffled look....

C: "Why are you sending this today?"

Me: "Well the deadline is tomorrow right? since I'm going to be absent tomorrow I'm gonna send it now" *stil smiling...big time!

C: "..............Lina."

Me: "Yeah Coach?"

C: "The deadline is 9th June my dear"

Me: ".....Photobucket"

I went home filled with dissapointment....N I;m so not telling KTT about that >.< It's pure embarassment~!


So yeah...I'm going to sleep people...zZZzzZZzzz Gonna wake up early tomorrow...again *sigh


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kickthetable #1
LOL. like really? 9th JUNE??! hahaha...
omg... that cracks me up.. what the...? hahhahahaha..
and there you go.. i've watched you struggle that night..
and yesh.. congrats honey..
life is full of surprises eh~~