
rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!



Tagged by:  tien1190

 One: What's your favorite kpop band? | Are you seriously asking this? So hard..... uhhhh..... ummmm..... well right now I guess that I'll have to go with..... BigBang though Exo's a close second.

Two: What race are you? | American XD but if you wanna go back further I'm mostly Polish and French.

Three: Do you like One Direction o.O? | Yes and no. I mean, they aren't awful and I can stand them, but I wouldn't chose to listen to their songs and I don't fangirl over them.

Four: What do you see 10 years from now? | I see living in Korea with my best friend (she knows who she is) and knowing kpop idols (possibly dating, but just knowing them would be enough for me =D)

Five: Top 10 bias! | Lets see...... Sehun..... G-dragon..... Luhan.... Ren.... Zelo.... Key.... Kyuhyun.... Taemin..... Kevin.... and..... Wookie..... god that was painful

Six: What's your nickname??? | Chelly XD (or sometimes the ert)

Seven: Which idol(s) do you wish was your sibling(s)? | Definately Taemin.... He just seems like he'd be such a great brother

Eight: What music do you listen to? | obviously kpop... lots of kpop... I'm not that up to date on other music though alternative would be my favorite genre outside of kpop

Nine: What's your favorite Disney movie? |

Ten: Hehehehe. Write something on my wall >:D | Done XD

Eleven: EXO or Super Junior??? | Seriously? Did you really have to ask this? I love Super Junior so much but right now I can't get EXO out of my head so I'm gonna have to go with them..... Don't get me wrong though... I'm an E.L.F all the way XD

Now time for my questions that the people I tag have to answer......

1. Chose your top two biases.

2. What would you do if either on of your top two began to sing to you? (please be totally honest on what your most likely reaction would be)

3. Is being tagged annoying for you or are you enjoying it?

4. What is your least favorite thing about the kpop world? (this could be about groups, companies, fans, whatever you wish were different in kpop)

5. What's the first kpop band you listened to and what was your immediate reaction to them?

6. How did you get into kpop?

7. Do you wish you were Korean? (if you are korean, then do you enjoy it?)

8. What is your dream vacation? (not including trips to Korea)

9. What is the first thing that you think of when you see a new group? (ex: how they look, how they dance, how they sing, ect.)

10. What's your favorite color?

11. What are your general feelings on girl groups v.s. boy bands? (please, no bashing... honest opinions don't have to be rude)

When you're done please post the link to it in the comments so I can see XD

People tagged:






(Your technically supposed to tag 11 people but I got lazy XD Two essays are due tomorrow and I haven't started so I'm gonna go know hehe)


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dont worry about doing it here =D
I love how your answers are...... unique XD
1. Chose your top two biases.
You & I!;D

2. What would you do if either on of your top two began to sing to you? (please be totally honest on what your most likely reaction would be)

3. Is being tagged annoying for you or are you enjoying it?
Enjoying! <3 XD
4. What is your least favorite thing about the kpop world? (this could be about groups, companies, fans, whatever you wish were different in kpop)
The sasaeng fans.

5. What's the first kpop band you listened to and what was your immediate reaction to them?
WG. Good.

6. How did you get into kpop?

7. Do you wish you were Korean? (if you are korean, then do you enjoy it?)
Hmm... IKD.XD

8. What is your dream vacation? (not including trips to Korea)
... XD
9. What is the first thing that you think of when you see a new group? (ex: how they look, how they dance, how they sing, ect.)
10. What's your favorite color?
Blue, black..etc.
11. What are your general feelings on girl groups v.s. boy bands? (please, no bashing... honest opinions don't have to be rude)

did it here
Sorry! ^^V
thelucifer #4
lol thanks for the tag:D