I got 'tagged'. Mwahahha. And so you are.

rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!




Tagged by: skyy_blue


1. What's your favourite group/band that is not in the Kpop industry?
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
2. Who's your bias?
- I'm not a loyal lover. Trololol :3
3. Do you prefer KPOP or JPOP?
- Kpop.
4. Between L and Sungyeol, who would you choose? Choose 1 only. 
- L.
5. What's your favourite 2NE1 song? Why?
- Lonely; I love the tune and meaning.
6. Are you looking for a poster/graphic right now? (LOL SHAMELESS ADVERTISING GO TO MY SHOP FOR ONE!)
- Nope. xD
7. Do you often get sick?
- Nah. I'm healthy.
8. Who was your first bias?
- Lee Donghae.
9. Who do you think is better at aegyo, Taemin or Minwoo?
- Taemin.
10. 2NE1 or SNSD? Choose 1.
- 2NE1.
11. Super Junior or Infinite? Choose 1.
- Super Junior.
1. Are you a DARA xx G-DRAGON Shipper?
2. How old are you?
3. What are your fandoms [List them all here!]?
4. Do you read /s?
5. Yoona or Dara?
6. Who's your ultimate bias?
7. What's your ethnicity?
8. Where are you from?
9. What's your real name?
10. What's your greatest fear?
11. Are you happy right now?
You are tagged!


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Hohoho... That's my name...
It's fun!I'd like to do it! but not now...

THANK YOU my dongsaeng-master!