Q and A - aintyoufunny


Okay, so I'm too tired to do the whole tagging thing. But I'm going to answer these questions.


1. What's your favorite fanfic at the moment?

Um... I think it's Faster Than Light by zeerogue and After-School Activities by gelisi. ^^


2. Do you have a tumblr? :D If so, what is it, so I may stalk - I mean, follow - you xD

Yes.~ http://otpgirl-juliettek.tumblr.com/


3. What's your top ten played songs on your iTunes? (no iTunes? then favorite songs of the moment?)

1. B.A.P - Power

2. The name I loved - SHINee

3. Block B - NalinA

4. Infinite - Nothing's over

5. EXO-M - Angel

6. U-KISS - Amazing

7. NU'EST - Face

8. Skrillex - Equinox

9. Super Junior-M - Perfection

10. DBSK - Stand By U


4. What was the last movie you saw in Theaters? Did you like it?

The Avengers - Yeah, it was pretty cool. X)


5. How did you discover AFF? Why did you make an AFF account?

My little sister kept on talking about it, and so I wanted to check it out, and then I fell in love with it ^^


6. What book are you reading at the moment? Is it good?

Lord of the Flies - It's interesting, I guess.


7. What time do you usually go to bed? Wake up?

Ummm... I usually don't go to bed until eleven or midnight, and I wake up around five or six.


8. What do you do before you go to bed?

Read fanfics and listen to music


9. Create a story synopsis for some sort of story between you and your bias.

Key doesn't understand his feelings for Jonghyun, but, with the help of a new friend(me), he starts to understand. :P


10. What is your OTP?

Dude, really? Just one? Fine. Yunjae... and Jongkey... and 2min... and Hanchul, and Kyumin, and Eunhae, and Elvin, and Baekren... There.


11. Why do you think the person who created this annoyingly long tagging game chose the number eleven for everything? 

... I don't freaking know. Because they're weird?








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Hey, I'm on there! :D Thank you! Glad you like my stupid story!
I'm the same way... when people ask me my OTP, I give lists :/
linkxlcara24 #2
To me OTP is O-one of many T-true P-parings!!
LOL I know, choosing an OTP is hard.
And I read the Lord of the Flies a month back ^^ and in the eighth grade. /nods. Good book.
cracking me up xDDDD
i love ur answer..
gotta make mine later when use pc xD
nao still stuck lazily in bed and use phone unnie xD