TAEMIN WATCHES ( sorry guys. not sure if i got the proof correctly)

Oh my gosh. Yes. The title says it all.


I don't have the proof but I know that the proof is in Youtube. Because one of my friends (ieatrexandace) posted something in facebook that Taemin watches .

And the worst part here is that, I didn't watch the video because my internet was slow. Blame my internet. :(


And some of my friends, they were commenting on the video that Taemin was in an isolated room with a laptop and TAEMIN IS GUILTY.


Honestly guys, I'm not happy with this cause it can disappoint me. Anyways, we read rated fics and.. let's just accept that SHINee members watches . But I'm still sad about this. :(


And if you wanna see the video, type on Youtube Search : Taemin watches ?


I don't know. Or just simply go to this link :



I'm really sorry if I got the wrong video or what because I DIDNT WATCH IT. :(


Anyways, hope you won't hate me for saying these stuff. :(


And I hope that this is an old news here in AFF so that none of us would panic or what...






Anyways, the thing here is that...

WE READ RATED FICS, which is erted.

And they watch ..



so anything wrong? maybe. :(





i love u guys. :)


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It's normal for guys,even celebrity's to watch that stuff. I'm a bit shocked though because Taemin seems so...innocent XD Celebrity's are human too no? I read rated fics and it don't bother me,why? Because I like it ^^ Same way some people like ...actually aren't reading rated fics considered ? O.O
he really watced ? omomom :(<br />
i'm dissapointed ...<br />
but .. it's his right ,, i'll keep happy if he's happy too .<br />
taemin hwaitting !! :)
Seems like it's possible, but they weren't really hinting much that he does....I think they all do though, every idol group does, almost every man does I think and many women as well, so it's okay I think ^^ They should be able to live normally sometimes since they are human
NappeunYeoja #4
lmao <br />
Taemin is a MAN now aniways :)
babymichiie #5
It's okay.. seriously.. I think it's normal for boys/guys to watch ? I mean.. it's nature? LOL<br />
It would be better if they don't.. but if they do, it's kinda okay for me? LOL
LOLOLOL CHILL XD The SHINee members where joking around! xD haha but he does read erted manga... "Ping Pong Club". my sister tried reading the first chapter and watched the first episode and she couldn't take it because it was too y xD
@ to all those commented: well, haahaha. i just hope he did not. anyways, the fact that ALL GUYS watch , well.. that's true. :) i just dont want to see his cute image get ruined like that. I mean, if I found out that minho watches , i wont freak out much because he's a bit old already and yeah... hahaha. :) im just happy u guys defended him :D <br />
<br />
if its true he watches , i will really feel bad. :(
hahahha gawd hope it wasnt gay if ever it was true!!
Haha, it didn't actually say that he did that. It was just a little corner on Sukira.. You can chill now :)
Oh Dear~ If Taeminnie DOES watch... that stuffs ..... Then, I'm NOT ok with it... but it's his life... I mean even idols have "needs" right? Aigooo~~ The cute-but-now-mature-maknae is growing up :( But, not too fast oppa!
Chillax girl~ :D Taemin doesn't watch well, at least not in the vid. It's basically assumptions the writers of the radio show made about Taemin as he grows up. Then, they(shinee with eunteuk) started talking about how taem always disappears into the manager room sometimes with his laptop. Then hyukkie asks if its related to number one assumption (which is that he watches ) to which he replies he goes into the room to think about his future goals and his laptop is to moniter (I think about news on shinee) so yeah.. from the vid he doesn't watch (:
guitardrums #12
it's not confirmed if he does or not. He just dissapears with his laptop. HAHA