Heard Sean Kingston's- eenie meenie feat. JB again at noon, and i'm loving it. AGAIN, especially the part where it goes like this, 'Shawty is a eenie meenie minnie mo lover' ! <3 way to go Sean and JB *thumbs up*

Before i forget, there's something i've gotta' tell you people, RAWR!!!

It means I Love You! in dinosaur <3

That's it for today.

Im out, peace.


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andrew_kwon #1
yeahhh! love that song too. it's dope man! =D
jeniscool100 #2
I was gonna put it on my ipod, but my friends were all like, "EWWWWW, JUSTIN ON YOUR IPOD! GROSSSSS!" <br />
And I was all, "HEYYO. CHILLLLLLL HOMEZ. I like the song, alright? Golly geeze!" Gosh, people hating on Justin - it gets soooo old. *___*<br />
Yeahhhhh, that was kinda random but...OHWELLZ! :3<br />
Seriously though, that song is so addictive! Sean Kingston really knows how to make catchy songs! Like, have you heard his song Fire Burning? I never get tired of listening to that song! =D