Kiss Me or Kill Me Application

Kwang Hyunsu

about you.

Username: TheBestOfKpop

Link to your profile:  annyeong!!!

Name: Michelle but you can call me Chelly if you want ^^

Activeness : 9 because I have no life except for sleeping

Contact: AFF would be best =D


basic information.

Character name: Kwang Hyunsu

Nickname(s): Su | by his closest friends

Birthday: 06/13/95

Age: 16

Nationality: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Blood type: AB


  • Japanese | fluent
  • Korean | fluent
  • English | basic
  • Mandarin | conversational



Height: 6 ft. | 183 cm

Weight: 150 lbs | 68 kg

Appearance: He always wears the same earring in his right ear.

Ulzzang / Model Name: Park Hung Seok

Ulzzang / Model Picture :  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | more

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Name: Bae Song Gon

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Picture:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | more

Style: Hyunsu is the one who sets the new trends at school. He's always the first to start new fashions so his style changes constantly. One week he could be wearing jeans with a white v-neck and a jean jacket and the next week he could be wearing black pants with a slightly ed dress shirt. You never know what this kid is going to come into school wearing, but whatever it is it's the next big thing. No matter how odd the outfits may seem, people always love them because Hyunsu has a way of making everything he wears look good.

When he doesn't have a new trend to set or he's just feeling lazy, he prefers to go casual.

Some of his go-to outfits are like these:

  1 | 2 | 3 | 4


character information.


Hyunsu is the epitome of a popular student. Everyone loves this kid, whether they know him personally or not. Everyone at least knows of him. Hyunsu is a name that will ring a bell in every student's head (and most of the teachers too) no matter their grade or social standing. It is a well known fact that he is the most popular guy in school, and it is a commonly debated subject whether or not he is the hottest. Hyunsu loves the attention. He loves it more than anything else in the world. He is a total attention , but no one even notices because he never has to do anything to get the attention he wants. It is willingly given to him. Even the occasional squeals of underclassman as he walks by doesn't annoy him. Center-stage is where he belongs and where he stays. If you try to remove him from this position, you're in for one hell of a wake-up call. Not only will he do anything to maintain his power, he'll also get extreme revenge on whoever tried to take it from him. Most kids who he has taken revenge on have ended up transferring out of the school, once it ended with a hospital trip. Hyunsu is the master at revenge and thoroughly enjoys dishing it out.

You'd think that a guy with such a seemingly evil personality wouldn't have so many people looking up to him. The thing is, he knows how to be sneaky. Whenever he takes his revenge it's almost impossible to trace it back to him. He covers his tracks and is never caught. And I mean NEVER. It would take a genius with professional detective experience to uncover the truth behind most of his plots. He is so careful, every move he makes is planned out exactly and every possible setback is planned for. That's right, he's a planner. Which brings us to a less evil side of him. He LOVES organizing events. The attention is to die for and ordering people around is fun as well, but it's the planning that really entices Hyunsu. His favorite thing to do is come up with new ideas and make them into realities. His imagination has no limits and his creativity is out of this world.

Well, in order to gain the title of the most popular guy in school, you have to have some pretty good qualities. Not only is he a straight A student (without really trying) but he is also the most outgoing person you will ever meet. He can easily go up to anybody in the world and start up a conversation with them. It doesn't matter how shy the person it, Hyunsu will always find a way to avoid awkward silences and he never calls people out if they are socially awkward. He'll always make anything stupid you accidentally say into something good and funny. He naturally knows how to manipulate a conversation onto any topic he wants and he is always in control when he's talking. He can tell what people want to hear and what they don't want to talk about just by the look on their face so he tries to steer clear of uncomfortable topics, though he knows how to gain hints at topics that he wants to know about. Basically, he's extremely manipulative whenever it comes to talking.

Despite being somewhat evil on the inside, he knows how to hide his scheming well. On the outside he seems like the friendliest person you'll ever meet. He smiles often and has a great sense of humor that always keeps everyone around him laughing. He has a warm smile that makes him easy to approach and he is always kind when talking to people. He is also known as the life of the party since he isn't afraid to go out on the dance floor and just have a good time. He isn't afraid that people will think he's weird no matter how bad of a dancer he is. He knows that that's not how people see him. He is also always the first in fashion. He loves setting new trends and everyone blindly follows him. He sets the trend and it's up to everyone else to keep up with him.


Hyunsu grew up in a privileged life. He was born into a wealthy family and lived in a mansion on the outskirts of Tokyo. The family had a large estate and Hyunsu grew up being spoiled. He was mostly spoiled by his maids and butlers since his father was always busy at work and his mother was always out spending time with friends and indulging in her social life. She was quite the social butterfly. She had at least three parties to attend per week and her excuse for attending them all was "Being in such a high social class has it's responsibilities, so I must represent our family at these events." Hyunsu's father never cared, though he was almost positive his wife was having an affair if not many. It didn't matter to him. They had been married merely for the profit. Each was a gold-digger despite being plenty wealthy themselves. Two wealthy gold-diggers makes for a perfect match. Still, Hyunsu was forced to live his childhood mainly without his parents. He rarely saw them.

The only time Hyunsu really saw his parents was at business photo shoots. The family business was a corporation that specialized in mechanics. The main export was lap-tops. They were EXTREMELY high end merchandise that cost as much as a car, but they were so worth it. State-of-the-art technology that couldn't be found anywhere else and quality that couldn't be beat. It was one of the most successful businesses in all of Japan. The business had been started by Hyunsu's grandfather and it was then passed down to Hyunsu's father who now ran it. Hyunsu's father had every intention of passing the business along to Hyunsu (since Hyunsu's older brother had passed away years before), so he was taught in the art of technology. By the time he was eleven, Hyunsu could create a high end program and software that was worthy of being sold. Hyunsu never really enjoyed these lessons, but it came easy to him so he never really disliked them either.

Anyway, back to the business photo shoots. Since Hyunsu was the next heir to the company, he had to attend most of the public business gatherings that his parents did. Most of the time, these were photo shoots though there were also interviews and talk shows. During these times, he had the attention of the business world. And he quickly became addicted to it. He often times begged his father to let him go with him to events even if his presence wasn't necessary. His father took this as Hyunsu developing an interest in the company and always gladly agreed.

When Hyunsu's dad abruptly died of cancer, life turned upside down. Things turned to chaos when his mother (who had apparently been somewhat restrained by her husband) went partially crazy. She began heavily drinking and partying every single night. She bought five houses all over the world and began traveling between them clubbing and partying as she went. She slept with countless men and ended up in the hospital multiple times from drinking too much.

Back at home, things weren't much better. Hyunsu was only fourteen and the entire company had been left to him in his father's will. Hyunsu honesty had no interest in running the business and his lack of motivation caused this young CEO to be questioned greatly. People all over, both in and out of the company, attacked him verbally and physically. They said he was unworthy and a simply unsuitable person to run the business. Hyunsu couldn't handle it. He hired someone to run the company for him until "he was ready" though he had no idea when that would be, if it would ever be.

The company has begun to decline and the rage for the lap-tops is slowing. Hyunsu knows that things aren't looking good, but he doesn't feel the need to fix it. He honestly hates the idea of running this company and he has half a mind to purposely run it into the ground.


  • attention
  • revenge
  • fashion
  • talking
  • friends
  • people
  • vanilla thick shakes
  • seafood
  • chips
  • pizza
  • making new friends
  • parties
  • music | especially when it's really loud
  • organizing events
  • fundraisers


  • people who tell him what to do
  • people who try to take away his attention
  • antisocials | he still talks to them, but he secretly doesn't like them
  • salty food
  • ketchup/mustard
  • salad
  • people who don't listen to him
  • messy rooms


  • planning and organizing events
  • plotting revenge
  • drawing | especially anime characters
  • singing | he has never been particularly talented at it but loves having everyone's eyes and attention on him as he singings
  • public speaking


  • talking to random strangers where ever he goes | some people get freaked out by him
  • tapping his foot when he's bored or waiting
  • not paying attention in class | he still gets straight A's so there's not much the teachers can do about it
  • sneaking out to go to parties


  • has extreme technological abilities in both programing and trouble-shooting, but he refuses to use them
  • he can hack any computer
  • he can sweet-talk any girl into almost anything
  • he has no problem talking in front of large audiences, in fact he prefers it
  • he has a  dog named Yuki (the Japanese word for snow)
  • he hasn't seen his mother in 2 years and he has no idea where in the world she is or even if she's alive or not

Does your character use profanities?: [ ] yes [ ] no [x] sometimes

If so, in which language?

Mostly Japanese so that his friends don't know what he's saying, but every now and then when he's really mad he'll use profanities to get his point across.




Name:  Kwang Seonhyun

Age: 34 (when he passed)

Birthday: 09/25

Personality:  He wasn't a very 'fatherly' type. He wasn't the caring type either. He couldn't have cared less about anything in life. That is, anything except his business and related affairs. To him, the company was the only thing in the world that mattered. Everything he did was for or infulenced by the company. Even having his two sons was for the company: to have an heir and a back-up heir if something were to happen to the first (which it did). The business dying meant the end of the world so Seonhyun put every ounce of his effort into maintaining and improving the company.

Relation to your character: Father

He was laid-back when it came to Hyunsu and really didn't care what he did as long as he didn't get himself hurt or killed. They were never close and it was all for the business. Seonhyun wanted an heir to carry on the family business, that was all Hyunsu was to his father. They never spend any time together and never had any emotional connection. Hyunsu doesn't even miss his father and is only sadened by his passing due to the steadily decreasing amount of money in his bank account.

Dead or alive: Dead on 07/18 two years ago


Name: Kwang Kiyomi

Age: 34

Birthday: 10/15

Personality: She is insane. She loves to drink and run around the world having affairs. She abuses her power and money and doesn't really care about the effects it has on other people. She thinks that the world revolves around her and she has a crazy temper that flares up whenever she doesn't get what she wants. She can be abusive, though it is usually verbal abuse. She loves to party and is extremely immature.

Relation to your character: Mother

Again, they never had a close relationship. Kiyomi couldn't have cared less about her son and she liked to act like he didn't exist. In fact, Hyunsu hasn't seen or heard from his mom in two years and he doesn't mind. Life is better without her. He sometimes even prays that she never returns and goes to abuse someone else.

Dead or alive: It is assumed that she is alive, but Hyunsu doesn't know for sure since he hasn't heard from her in two years.



Name: Kwang Akiko

Age: 17 (when deceased)

Birthday: 06/29

Personality: He was a kind person. He was always rather quiet and was extremely attentive. He didn't like letting people down and keeping a secret or promise was always his first priority. Anything and everything was safe with this kid. But when he was young he too was bombarded with his father's insisence on passing on the family business. This ruined him. He became extremely paranoid and he tended to seek solitude. The stress, pressure, and attention were too much for him. The only time he was calm was when he was with his little brother, Hyunsu.

Relation to your character: Older Brother

They were extremely close to each other. Akiko became himself again when he was around Hyunsu and Hyunsu felt comforted with his brother. Though Hyunsu didn't fully understand the world yet since Akiko was 11 years older, Akiko still told Hyunsu all of his troubles. Hyunsu tried his best to comfort his brother and he told Akiko his secrets even though they were the meaningless secrets of a toddler.

He used to wear an earring in his left ear that is the same one that Hyunsu always wears. Hyunsu inherited it from his brother and wears it as a memory of him.

Dead or alive: Dead on 09/14 ten years ago.


Best Friend

Name: Luhan | exo-m

Age: 17

Birthday: 04/20

Personality: He is also extremely popular. He likes fashion almost as much as Hyunsu does and the two get along very well. Luhan is also a party animal, but is quieter and more reserved than Hyunsu. This doesn't mean he isn't fun to hang out with. He can be somewhat of a dare-devil and he likes to break rules for the thrill of it. He does some pretty crazy and enjoys every second of it. You'd think that someone like this would be loud and boisterous, but he's not. He listens well and tends to stay quiet though he's most definately not an antisocial. He just prefers keeping his mouth shut and speaking with actions instead of words. His social life is constant and plenty active though it doesn't involve much talking. When you're hanging out with Luhan, you're always doing something whether its going for a run in the park or riding in a helicopter.

How he/she acts around your character: Luhan and Hyunsu fit well together. Hyunsu tends to do the talking while Luhan listens. They party together and hang out. They do crazy things and it's always a blast when the two are together. While they aren't emotionally close and don't share their personal feelings with each other, they try to help each other. Luhan knows that Hyunsu hates those who speak out against him or steal his spotlight, so Luhan is careful not to step on Hyunsu's toes.



Name: Lee Hibiki

Age: 16

Birthday: 12/21

Personality: He is a bit of a stuck-up brat. His family is very wealthy and he thinks he's all that. He believes that he is above others because of his money and he only respects those with money. He doesn't care about the lower classes and believes that it is below him to speak to them. He abuses his money and power by using them in ways that either hurt the lower class or flaunt his wealth. If he makes a donation to charity, there is no way that it's gonna be ananomous and he even claims to have bought the services of the best ranked e in the world. And he's proud of it.

How he/she acts around your character: He respects Hyunsu because of his wealth and his family's standing. He acts civil around Hyunsu and Hyunsu used to spend time with him on request of his father. Hibiki's family's company and Hyunsu's have been working together for generations and they purposely planned on having children at the same time so that if they were a boy and a girl they would get married. Despite this plan not working, the two were forced to be friends since they were little. They still text every now and then (mainly about girls, never their family life or feelings) though Hyunsu prefers not to talk to him.


Name: Shin Chiho

Age: 15

Birthday: 02/19

Personality: He is a gentleman. Because of this, he's loved throughout the school. He always opens doors for people and has a magical way of always keeping his calm. Nothing can possibly phase this guy, not even the biggest, baddest bully screaming in his face. He is purely calm and handles everything with grace and order.

How he/she acts around your character: He is extremely respectful and always gives Hyunsu his full attention. Hyunsu soaks up the attention and in return helps Chiho become even more popular. They sometimes party together, though Chiho is far from lively at them, and they text often.


Everyone in the school is somewhat of his friend so there are way too many to name.



Who is your rival? Yoona

Reason for rivalry: Yes, she is his love interest and a good friend, but rivalries come from many places. She is the most popular girl in school. He is the most popular guy in school. Often, the girl gets more attention. Hyunsu is jealous and envious of her flawless grace and her many devoted "fans". He has plenty of his own, but he is still very jealous of her. He is constantly trying to become more popular than her and he has the strange feeling that she is doing the same.


Love Interest

Love interest: Yoona | SNSD

How do you two act around each other?: They're close.... ish. There's nothing particularly special between them. They are both really popular so of course they're going to know each other, but there's nothing between them. They flirt every now and then but purely as a joke. Hyunsu doesn't even know what he feels towards her and he is almost positive she doesn't like him in that way. He's willing to take things slow, plus there are too many other things on his mind at the moment.

Do you keep in contact?: [ ] yes [ ] no [x] sometimes

If so, how?: Just casual conversation, usually over text or sometimes Skype.

Scene requests: Nope... all up to you =D But please... nothing too lovey-dovey. It would feel a bit awkward for me knowing he's my character...


group information.

Positions: Social Events Coordinator

Public persona: The Popular


  • Talking comfortably with anyone and everyone
  • Making friends quickly
  • Plotting
  • Public Speaking and Promoting



Password: None!!! ^^ Such a trickster... but to be honest you really confused me for a few seconds XP

Anything else?: Nope, you got it all =D Sorry for the lateness of this app, but I really wanted to apply anyway ^^ Feel free to change anything and if you need me to change anything please let me know =)


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But one of the people I chose already chose Jessica as a love interest. >_>"

I-If you're willing to change, I'LL BE HAPPY <: And love you forever, cause your application is beautiful <3