For all my Readers...

Sorry but it seems I've taken a little Hiatus from all my fics: '10 Bad Habits that Landed me Him' 'What Happens on the Internet' and 'A Change.' I actually did not plan to and expected be updating more than I have been. But it's towards the end of my school year! Grades close this Friday and we have been cramming in last minute test and quizzes, I hope I do well >.< but as soon as all of that's done I'll update each and every last on of you on the whereabouts of my fics ^-^ Please be patient I am also graduating my elementary school or what ever you guys call it in other countries....I'm a fourth year so of COURSE the work load is much :// Pray for me to finish the year strong & I have no writer's block and will be rewarding you guys with chunky chapters :,D


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