Tagged :P

Okay! I was actually waiting for this...LoLz


So deh rules are:


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


I doubt the last two rules really matter, but ut wud be fun ^_^



::Tagged by ValerieS::



1. If you were stranded in a deserted island. What do you bring and why?

Ans:  My phone, so that i can call for help! *le ing genius*


2. Who is your ultimate K-Pop Bias?

And: Choi Minho (SHINee)/ I can NEVER EVER let go of him.


3. If your life is a movie. What would be your soundtrack?

Ans: Billionaire (Travie McCoy feat. Bruno mars)/ Hell Yeah!


4. If you had a nickname you would pick for yourself. What would it be?

Ans: Ro


5. Picture yourself a cartoon. Which one are you? 

Ans: Buttercup (PowerPuffGirls)/ Sounds verrry crazy. I know.


6. Name the awsomest person in the world and why.

Ans: Mommy/ Cuz she like gifted me new shoes, and jeans..and she's buying me a new watch too....But daddy gave me my first touch screen phone.... *le confused*


7. You're going to a costume party. You will go as...........

Ans: Power Ranger! LoL Joke. I'll go as.........Aoi (From the Japanese Band "The GazettE")


8. What is the one thing you would like to do and still haven't done?

Ans: Oh there is so much! but I always wanted to touch Minho once.... *fantasizes...*


9. What is your ultimate favorite song?

Ans: Ring Ding Dong (SHINee)/  My First Kpop song !!


10. Which part of your body do you like the most?

Ans: My Hair. I LOVE My Hair.


11. You get the oppertunity to get revenge on someone.. What would you do?

Ans: Peel his/her flesh of their bones/ hey dun blame me. they must have done something REALLY mean and bad to piss me off and prompt to get revenge. *shrugs*



I tag.............


1. IAmQueen

2. angelfocusbroken

3. shadowabuk

4. luvshinee5

5. SSZE_501

6. KPopLuvr

7. deathbyboredom

8. ValerieS (LoL can I do that....?)

9.  Otakkiisan

10. Radio_Active

11. NallaFantasia




My questions for u:-

1. If the world was ending, and you could save only ONE person. Who would you save?

2. Have you ever witnessed LIVE ?

3. Ultimate Bias?

4. If you meet your Bias, and you can only say a Word to him, what would it be?

5.  You ship....?

6. One thing that you and your bias share?

7. How did you find AFF?

8. On a scale of 1-10, how wierd are you? and Why?

9. Oh My God! You came in contact with Kryptonite! What ability did you develop?

10.  Are you better of Solo or in groups?

11.  You die, and your ghost wanders around the world...and only ONE person can see you. Who do you want that to be?




Phew! OTL m tired!


well...Gudluk (?)!


*does waltz*

Give a little time to me~ We'll burn this out~

We'll play hide and seek,.......





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oh I was tagged? lmfao emkay let me do this :D
Hahaha! You know What? I will answer them anyway XD. This is fun gurl!