hey there!!

hello everyone! :)

still remember me?? .__. it has been a long time nee~!!

first of all, I would like to ask ur guys' forgiveness for the fics that I cant update for quite a long time.

I have many things to do. I should practice dances with my friends for my university's anniversary.

and moreover, my lecture asked my class to cover "Heaven Rotation" dance for our final exam.

and I have no time to relax bcoz I need to remember all the moves in those dances.


so~ I will take my hiatus till the end of June. I might not be able to write, bcoz of this too much things that I should do.

I just hope everything will be okay.

so readers and friends, I hope u guys stay healthy always <3

I hope I can meet u guys soon. :)

AKTF! and




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i'm gonna miss ur fics...
good luck for ur final exam and everything that u need to do.
and good luck for my final exam too..hehe..
take your time babe^^... HWAITING!!