I'm Tagged


Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

tagged by: Laince-chan


{ichi} - If you get married to one of your bias? Who do you choose? (choose 1 only) Everyone knows how much I love Heechul, Hyunjoong, Kris, Lay, Sehun and Kiseop, but my dream husband is Lee Hyukjae. XD
{ni} - What are you doing right now? Besides typing all your answers here. Watching fancams from SMTown LA~ 8D
{san} - How old were you when you got interested in Kpop? 14
{yon} - Who's your favorite actor? I'm a fan of Yoo Ah In~ :>
{go} - Who's your favorite actress? Probably Ha Jiwon... Love her during SG~
{roku} - First Kpop group that you like/love? I liked 2NE1 more than WG when they first got famous here in the Philippines.
{sichi} - Have you learned any dances from the music videos of your favorite idols? Bad girld, good girl and Shampoo. LEARNED. IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M GOOD. XD
{hachi} - Singing/Dancing/Acting? Which one are you great at? Of course singing~ 8D
{ku} - First impression of me? Cute~ 8D
{ju} - Ideal type in a person? A gentlema, respectful, good to older people... hopefully taller and older(8 years at most) too.
{ju-ichi} - Most liked Kpop group & Least liked Kpop group? Most liked, Super Junior and Exo. Least? Probably none...


Probably won't tag others cause I'm lazy... XD


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rane87 #1
Hey im all what describes your ideal husband and im filipino too! Lol well anyways annyeong!
hae_ki #2
oooh~ you're going for the 'player' eunhyuk. good luck! hehe
Yoo Ah In. 2NE1. Oh yeah! YG baby!