District 15 ~ Shadow Children | Application



AFF Username: TangNiYa

Link to Profile: >>Here<<

How shall I contact you?: AFF Wall


Character Info

Name: Choi Tae Sun

Nicknames: Ty, Tae, Sunny

Alias/Codename: Typhoon --> represents his changing personality and starts with Ty so its perfect ^^

Quote: ‘Be thankful for what you have today, because by tomorrow it could be gone.’


Age and Birthday: 18 | 28th February 1994

Blood Type: B

Gender: Male

uality: Gay (but doesn't mind girls either so does that make him bi?)

Weight: 177cm

Height: 51kg

Which Part of the District you live in: Area 1 [Rich area]


Ulzzang: Guk Jang Mun | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Back-up Ulzzang: Yu Ha Min | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Clothing Style: Tae wears anything that is not too uncomfortable but still attracts attention. He prefers wearing skinny jeans and V-neck T-shirts or plaid, cowboy shirts that would show off his muscles. He likes to wear leather jackets or dark rain coats on top of that along with biker boots. He doesn't like wearing any accessories except his ear cuff or belt where he keeps his weapons when necessary.


Personality: Tae Sun is a hard to read guy. He can act be a brat at the times but he can be really nice next time. It actually all depends what on the people surrounding him. When with stranger and people he doesn’t like, Tae seems rather quiet and cold. He acts hard to get and is sometimes rather arrogant and has no shame. He just says what he thinks about the person out loud. With this behaviour, it’s hard for him to gain friends but he actually has a number of them. His friends know him as a rather carefree and outgoing person who doesn’t give away his trust easily. He’s very smart, hardworking and is a fast learner. He’s cherishes everything he has and doesn’t take anything for granted. Tae Sun can be very dirty minded and can make very rude jokes, which in most cases he doesn’t actually want to be mean by saying them. He has a very sharp tongue and rarely thinks before he says something which often gets him into trouble. But he being his stubborn self, rarely apologizes. 
Tae likes being noticed and attract attention with his appearance or flirting. He likes to know that he’s attractive to either guys or girls, he doesn’t care.  is rather independent and if something’s bothering him he prefers to keep his burdens for himself until it cracks him from the inside. He does have his weak moments, whatsoever. In those cases, he would prefer having someone by his side when he feels like pouring his emotions out. There isn’t much that can break Tae Sun down as he doesn’t care about what others think of him. The only cases when he breaks down is when those who are close to him hurt him. That’s one of his biggest fears. To hurt or to get hurt by someone close to him.

Background: Tae Sun never knew who his real parents were. He was left on at the doorway of a Choi mansion as a one year old boy. Choi’s were kind enough to accept him as their own son and they raised him as a part of the Elite. Tae had a relatively normal childhood with his older ‘brother’ Siwon and friends, oblivious to his misrelation with his family. However, his parents managed to find out that their ‘son’ was a Shadow child and there were people coming after him. Since they’ve already grown attached to Tae, they didn’t want to give him up so they just continued to raise him as if he was their child. But sooner or later they had to tell Tae about his real origin.
When he was 15, Tae had a not so pleasant encounter with some regular citizen thanks to his short temper. He has drawn too much attention on himself and was nearly discovered as a Shadow child. So Choi’s decided to tell Tae Sun the whole truth, since they’ve found him on their doorway, till them finding out that he was a Shadow child. Tae Sun accepted the truth rather calmly even though he felt like he’s been lied to his whole life. But he was still grateful to his ‘parents’ that they’ve taken care of him all his life and is trying to find the way to repay the Choi’s who doing everything to protect Tae Sun.



  • Flirting
  • Skinship
  • Books
  • Being dominant
  • Rain
  • Motorcycles
  • Reliable and trustworthy people
  • Music
  • His dog
  • Dancing when no one’s watching


  • His nickname ‘Sunny’ - he thinkg it's 'gay'
  • His messy hair
  • Being ignored
  • Failure
  • Chocolate
  • Silence
  • People touching his things
  • Gossip
  • Backstabbers
  • Hot, sunny days


  • Kick-boxing
  • Reading books
  • Playing guitar
  • Dancing


  • Plays with his ear cuff when has nothing better to do
  • If someone’s ignoring him for a certain amount of time, he will ignore them twice as longer
  • Walks around the house shirtless or in tank tops even if it’s the middle of the winter
  • his lips or bites his lower lip in front of those who attract him


Skills: Has very good aim (guns and knives) and is good at kick-boxing

Number: 19



  • Suffers from insomnia from time to time
  • Wears contacts because his eyes are natural amethyst colour - one of the signs that he's not the part of Choi family since all Choi's have black eyes
  • Has a tattoo over his left shoulder down his back
  • Has a pet; a white German shepherd called Vick



Family: Choi Jung Guk (52) & MinJa (45) : foster parents ; Choi Siwon (22) : ‘brother’ ; Choi Minho (19) : ‘cousin’

Lee Taemin | 18 | Elite | Childish and mischievous, this boy is a so called Tae Sun’s ‘twin’. The two are so much alike (except in looks) and Taemin loves to spend time with Tae Sun. However, he gets embarrassed whenever Tae Sun says something inappropriate or dirty.
Kim Kibum a.k.a Key | 21 | Elite | Key’s a real diva. He’s rather overprotective over his friends and often nags which can annoy the out of the people around him. However, even though he can be sometimes outgoing, he knows when it’s enough and will apologize if he thinks he has to. He can be very funny and kind at the times, but if anyone ever hurts his ‘baby’, he will go all y on them, ten times worse than he usually is.
Park Bom | 25 | Regular citizen | She’s a person anyone can trust with their lives. She always acts like a big sister to her dongsaengs and if anyone messes with them, they mess with her. She can embarrass people a lot as she really open minded and finds anyone who’s younger that her cute. It’s rather annoying but she’s the type of the person you just can’t get angry at.

Choi MinHo | 20 | Elite | Choi Siwon’s cousin. MinHo is a definition of a gentleman. He’s kind and cares about those who are important to him. He has a big heart and hates seeing people get hurt. Even though he’s charismatic and often plays hard-to-get, he’s a rather quiet person and doesn’t talk too much. However, MinHo can be a quite stubborn and always likes to get what he wants. Still, he knows how to have fun and is not afraid to show his emotions in front of someone who cares about him.
Jung YunHo | 22 | Elite | YunHo is kind of a stuck up person and he likes to get what he wants, this way or another. Even though he acts like a playboy and hard-to-get, in his heart he’s hopeless romantic and if a person is important to him, he will make them feel important. He’s the kind of a guy who will go after whoever messes with him or his ‘property’. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it but YunHo actually cares for those he loves but he just doesn’t know how to show it.
Lee Kiseop | 20 | Elite | Taemin’s older brother. He’s very shy and quiet but is a real gentleman. He’s kind and knows how to show someone that they’re important to him. He’s rather awkward and doesn’t know what to do when a person is crying or angry. Kiseop is trustworthy but probably not the best person to ask for help with anything unless it’s singing or dancing.

How you act around each other: Even though they knew each other since they were kids, their friendship now is rather awkward. They’re both obviously attracted to each other but with Tae Sun’s flirtatious nature, the other gets kind of nervous and embarrassed around him. They act more like friends with a lot of skinship between them. Tae would just randomly hug him, kiss him on the cheek or snuggle up to him, suggesting that he actually feels something for the other but the other is just too stubborn/blind to see it, thinking that Tae is just flirting around with him.



Comments: Hmmm….Good luck with the story. It sounds really interesting ;)

Songs for writing?: ‘Forgotten Children’ by Tokio Hotel or ‘I Remember’ by Bang Yong Guk ft. Yang Yo Seob


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jay1324 #1
Ah, i forgot to ask for an alias

Alias: [ What name do you go by. kinda of like a codename ] just give me one and I'll add it on there ^^ thanks~
jay1324 #2
Thanks for this great app ^^~
I appreciate it!