Staying at my brothers' house..


So my mom and dad grounded me and left me at my brothers' apartment whilst they fly their asses to Vietnam =.= My brothers' girlfriend was the one who droe me to their apartment and let me in.

She let me inside their room so I can stuff my clothes for the week on a spare clear cabinet {{ Lame how they can see my underwear >:O}}

I looked around and only saw one interesting thing..

My brothers' rabbit : Chen {{I named it :DD You can tell can't ya?}}


Mwahahaha xDDD


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How adorable >u< I've been trying to convince mum for a rabbit but I already have rats and a guinea pig x) I've nicknamed my guinea pig though xDD She is called Jalapeno (lol whut) but I call her Baozi after Xiumin xDD Because she is a golden colour and she's chubby too keke x)