FanFic survey!! (cause I love me some surveys)

Taken from _nixiah~ :))


0. Your fanfiction pen name?

 abbyeepinkish13 (but I really wanna change it. Damn)


1. Do you read or write fanfiction?

♥ Most of the time, write. But if I find a story that's exceptional, I'll read.


2. When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

♥ 2007!! YEAH~~


3. What was your first fandom?

Hmm... that would be Hey! Say! JUMP ♥♥♥


4. First ship?

NatsuMikan! ♥ Hihi GA from FF.Net! :))


5. What website do you use most?

Twitter, Facebook, AFF, Youtube.

6. What do you think of AFF?

♥ I think AFF is a great place where potential writers can improve their talents through means of FanFiction that is mostly centered on Asian pop culture. 


7. What fandoms have you written in?

♥ Gakuen Alice, Hey! Say! JUMP, Super Junior, 2NE1BANG. :))


8. Pairings?

♥ NatsuMikan, Yamada-kun, Yuto and OC, Super Junior member and OC, YoonHae, KyuYoung, DaraGon.


9. Any fandoms you would like to write in?

PANIC! AT THE DISCO. (HAHAHAHA. I'd like to write a RyDon FanFic. XDD) and Rurouni Kenshin! :)) I didn't like the OVA that killed Kenshin! So I've made my resolve to write a Rurouni Kenshin FanFic which talks about the five year interval between Kenshin and Kaoru and how they got married and all and that someday, Nobuhiro Watsuki would see it and base the manga from it (WHICH IS, BTW, MOST PROBABLY IMPOSSIBLE. )


10. Do reviews affect how you write in a story?

♥ Yes! :))


11. Do you use beta?

No, but I'm hoping that someone will.


12. What ratings do you read/write?

♥ Usually PG and PG-13 Fics.


13. What warnings have you used on your fiction/read?

I don't own the characters mentioned in the story, and if you'd like to take it for personal use, pm me.


14. Do you have any squicks?

♥ HaeToria, (what else? hmm...) NaruSaku (ughh... just let Naruto end up with Hinata while Sakura ends up with either Sasuke or Sai and let's get on with our lives!! XDD), 9PM pairings (I don't mean to offend other people, but this is just my opinion.)


15. Do you Role-play online?



16. Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?

♥ No, and I don't plan to.


17. Favorite fandom to write/read?

READ: RYDON♥♥, DaraGon.
WRITE: DaraGon♥, KyuYoung, YoonHae.


18. Favorite pairing?



19. Favorite writer/writers?

 puddledlove, arctic_greyyan_mango, My Hopeless Romantic >> READ ONE OF THEIR FICS!! SUCH MAGNIFICENT WORKS AND IMPECCABLE WRITING SKILLS!


20. How long should a chapter be?

I don't know but for me, they'd usually be around 6-7 pages. And if I'm really into writing the chapter, it'd be around 10. And no, my font's not big. It's usually around 10, rarely 12.


21. Do you write/read drabbles?

♥ I read some, but not write.


22. Any fandoms you avoid?

♥ Fandoms that I don't like.


23. Pairings you avoid?

These are also squicks, right? Come on.


24. Warnings you avoid?

♥  all throughout the story. (I need a story to read)


25. Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

♥ Not really, but it's merely a matter of opinion.


26. What do you think of Mary Sues?

♥ What is that?


27. Have you ever flamed someone?

♥ No. I'd prefer calling it "harsh yet constructive criticism". :))


28. Have you ever been flamed?

♥ No (even now, thank God! XD)


29. How many fanfictions have you written?

24. HAHAHAHAHA AND MOST OF THEM ARE ON HIATUS. XDD But that was since 2007, and right now, it's 2012. So it makes sense (I think)


30. What genres do you write read?

♥ Mostly on romance.


31. What story of yours has the most comments, and how many?

 It was a Gakuen Alice FanFic. Youichi's birthday present.


32. most words?

♥ Just You. Definitely. I don't know how many but for every chapter, I'd have like 10 pages.


33. Which one do you like the best?

A Sungmin fic called "Just You". It's my fave because it's the story wherein I was able to notice my writing skills improve with every chapter that I write.


34. Which one do you like the least?

♥ New Entry. I don't hate it though. It's just that... ughh~ x))

35. What do you think of het stories?

 Doesn't matter as long as the story's good.

36. Slash/?



37. Favourite het pairing?

♥ Het is heteroual, right? So that'd be DaraGon! :))


38. Favourite slash pairing?


39. Do you write about your original characters or canon characters for fandoms?

♥ Yeah.

Your Stories


Choose your top three stories (Or oneshots) you like best.

Top three:
>Just You
>Dreamboat (collab fic with Pasta-)


What's #1 about?

Knowing that judgment day will be arriving soon, Lucifer carefully plans his attempt in making salvation for mankind impossible through his son, Jiyong. As a child, Jiyong has been feared due to his true form, being half-demon and half-human, but a girl named Sandara wasn't intimidated by this. Rather, she befriended him, calling herself a "home" that he can return to whenever he feels sad and alone. However, after a certain event, the two were separated and thus, Jiyong's grudge towards the world has gotten stronger ever since, using it as his motive to turn people away from God. Yet, as he begins his mission, he wasn't expecting to meet Dara, a simple yet hardworking girl who ventured out to Seoul for college and at the same time, work for the bills of her father who has cancer. The two fall in love, but what happens when Jiyong finds out that Dara was his old friend, Sandi, who was one of the human-angels sent by God? And what will Dara do when she finds out that the man she loves is the son of the devil himself?

Number 2?

Hehehe... it's about Kim Minhee (OC), a graduating high school student whose main goal in life was to avoid people as much as possible, knowing that she could never trust them. However, ever since the new Geometry teacher arrived, Minhee starts to open herself more after seeing how much of an effort he's made to let her know that he cares for her as a person. But such a relationship later on turns into something dangerous that would change the lives of both Minhee and Sungmin for good.


Number 3?

Lee Taerin (OC) comes from a poor family. After her father won a cruise trip to Europe for 2 weeks, and although Taerin suggests that they change the prize for money, her father insists on letting her go to Europe, hoping that it would be helpful in her dream of becoming an artist. Along the way, she encounters a man named Kyuhyun, who was planning on proposing to his longtime girlfriend, Yoona. They both disliked each other at first sight, with Kyuhyun calling Taerin a "clumsy, big-mouthed girl" and her calling him an "arrogant, pompous jerk". Both went on separate ways, however, when Kyuhyun saw Taerin climbing onto the rails of the boat, he pulled her down, telling her that suicide isn't the answer when what really happened was that Taerin's photo of her mother fell down the sea, and it was the only portrait that she had ever since she left her and her brother, Taemin when they were really young. They fall in love later in the story, but Taerin has to return to Korea and Kyuhyun can't decide whether he really loves Taerin because he had just gotten out of a relationship with Yoona. THIS STORY HAS LOTS OF TWISTS TO IT. IT'S REALLY LONG SO I GUESS I'LL JUST CUT IT UP TO HERE.

Why do you like them?

Cause the storyline's awesome!! :DD

Your Favorites

How many favorite authors do you have?

♥ 4.

Favorite stories?

I'll name each from my favorite authors:
Hold Me Tight and Never Let Go - yan_mango
The Bookworm and the Beast, The Problem with Masquerade Balls, The Devil's Contract - My Hopeless Romantic
The Heart Rate of a Mouse - arctic_grey
Into Starcraft, We Escape; A Story Told Backwards; Merry Go Round & Round - puddledlove

^I suggest you guys read them. They're really, really, really, really, really good... good enough to make me read a novel when I don't even like reading. ♥♥


What genres are your favorite stories?

 Romance, drama, humor.


Will you read someone's stories if they asked you to?

Not all.


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ang tanda mo na sa fanfic industry!! joke :P

OTL *facepalm* Any fandoms you would like to write in?
HAHAHA! Rurouni Kenshin, duude. please. o3o

ano ba yung squicks? T_____T
AY nasagot na. HAHAHA. yun pala yun o______o

OHMYDEARHEART! Dreamboaaat~ <3 OMG. I'm so sorry I kind of disappeared after that first chap. I personally like that story too. And I srsly wanted to continue that with you. Huhu. T____T But I'm barely online on sjworld noww. Ack. Hope to continue that with you soon. :)

P.S: I love MHR too. One of the bests ever! <3