What Do You Get From Bashing Other Users? [basically a rant, but i'd appreciate it if you'll read it]

Honestly, give me your answer 'cause it's really hard for me to understand why so many users waste their time posting hate messages on other users' walls.


First, if you think that one user isn't great in writing, then please do understand that not everyone has had lessons in the English language during their childhood, especially in Korea, Japan, etc because obviously, they have been preserving their culture for years now.

I'm from the Philippines and English has been part of the curriculum ever since I started studying. But even though I've learned so much about the said language, I don't show off or judge others who are not good at it because I always remind myself that maybe they don't have it in their curriculum. And I don't even think I have a perfect English! Actually, even a person who has been studying English for years can be bad at it just because his skills are not for that aspect of education.


Second, if you ask someone for his opinion on your writing, do not hate him for his review. He just gave you what you asked for. Just because you personally asked him for a review, doesn't mean he'll give you a perfect score. But please, after receiving a review you don't like, do not look for something about that person which you can point out as negative. Whether it be his age, nationality or status. Don't say things like, "He's way younger than me, how can he judge my work as if he's better?" or "His works are not even popular! How can he say that my work isn't good?"

Age doesn't define intelligence or wisdom. And status doesn't define how great your work is. Remember, people have different tastes. Not everyone base their liking on how great an author's English skills are.


Third, please do not insult an author just because she's popular and you're not. You might say you hate her because she's lame or whatever. Let's face the truth. You hate her because you're not her! You want to be her but you can't, that's what frustrates you.

If we want to succeed or achieve our dreams, there's no need to drag others down.



danluvskpop [mod]


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Hope you don't mind me commenting ^^

Even though I studied English my whole life being American, I still have a hard time understanding even the basic's due to my learning disability :/ It honestly, because if I misspell one word sometimes I get called a 'retard' happened once on Deviantart.

Those that think highly of themselve's, because they have 'proper' grammar need to get off their freakin pedestal. Whenever I read blogs or stories of a person ranting on how certain people write; I take a look at their fics and think 'Hmmmm. Your's doesn't seem that great to be honest.'

Nobody on this site are English professor's even if they are, they don't know EVERYTHING about writing in the whole universe

Nobody is perfect. Nobody is a 'god' in writing. Even professional author's who've written for YEAR'S there's mistakes in their writing sometimes.
melanarbs #2
I really get this
I feel the same way. :(
I'm from the Philippines, too. i've been studying English for as long as I can remember and I'm still not good at it. And people can be so judgemental sometimes. They tend to look at others' fault, not seeing their own. :(
duizhang88 #5
I agree with you. Even SOME of the native speakers aren't good in grammar. I can actually say that because I've been watching Hollywood movies and I can say that really, some of them aren't perfect in constructing right sentences, so why are we judging these authors? In fact, I salute them, because they tried to communicate using the standard language ENGLISH, though they can freely write their fanfics using their own language. :)

It's only my opinion, though. I'm from Philippines too!~ I'm not GENERALIZING, I'm just stating SOME of them. No offense meant Ü
JiHae1 #7
You're very right, I also don't understand why people
bash others. It doesn't get them anywhere. I'm just
glad that I don't bash others like that, and for them
to continue to criticize others English is very stupid,
this site is called ASIAN fanfics. You'd have to think
that Asians are using this site from all around the
world, hopefully these people will just grow up.
yes you're right dan,
but you know what hurts the most?

when you accidentally caught your so called friend bashing your other stories, for a reason that hindi nya gusto yung pairing na yun,

sobrang nakakadisappoint,,until now,
I experience this too.There's this one tumblr who takes the author's words from their stories(without permission) and post it there.I don't let that affect me because the people who put you down probably aren't any better than you.They're probably jealous of your writing skills or that you've amazing ideas and readers who support you.If not that then it's probably because they're insecure so they do this to make themselves feel better.
To me,as long as I understand what the author is saying I would not say anything about their language.Unless the author herself(or himself if there are any guys here) asked the readers to point out the mistakes then yes I would.I would normally only give advises to the authors and normally only when they ask or I truly don't understand what they're saying otherwise I leave them alone and just enjoy the story.
We have to learn to become strong and ignore the other people.Yes,it will still hurt and even if your mind might ignore,your body may not causing you to fall sick or have stress.We must find a way to become stronger and overcome it though it's hard.I know this because I have real life experience.The tumblr thing I said was true.I didn't make it up and I know it because one of my one shots have lines being taken and used(not in a story but they took it and made it into a picture) without my permission.The tumblr is made up of 2 people and although they say they are not doing those stuff to insult,degrade(etc) the authors in any way and would take down the pictures if asked by the author,I still think they've nothing better to do and is just plain hurting others.I doubt they are that good in writing themselves because unless they are real authors who have published books like JK Rowling,they will also have flaws.None of us is perfect.Although I have this saying I made up myself. 'Flaws is what makes us special and Differences is what makes us perfect' So to me,everyone is perfect in their own way.I don't get those ppl either.
Oh and I don't know what they get from bashing. Because I don't think I bashed any author here and I'm not planning to...^^
I agree with you. Not all the people can speak fluently in English. Although they teach English in our school..still I'm not that good in English and my English is super lame btw (: Yeah, I admit my English is not good and I think that's ok. I think what's more important is that we're trying to learn English.

The second and third one, well you can't called it a review if you only want to hear what you want to hear. Criticism makes you a great author. BUT makes sure you tell it to her/him in a nice way or else the author will get hurt.
I get you! I've experience this! I don't get it!
I admit I'm not perfect at English.

But some people just likes to point out my mistakes so they can bring me down. I don't even know what they get from doing that! Like why are they still reading my fics if they just like point out all the mistakes.

Plus I still read fics even though the author's English is not that good. I mean you just need common sense to get their saying.