
Haha going through my old blog(s) and found some of my writings..that I may consider posting...here is a taste of one of my many many poems LOL


kk these poems...are all the ones i wrote..like LONG TIME AGO..XD purely by me..no one else..

I hate her

I hate the way her eyes shine when she smiles.
I hate the way she tries her hardest.
I hate the way she wants to be friends even though she know I hate her
I hate the way she looks at you as if for that moment your all that's there.
I hate the way she laughs the loudest in a crowd.
I hate the way she sounds childish when she doesn't get her way.
I hate how she gets me to smile along with her.
I hate how she gets under my skin and into my heart.
I hate the way she makes me love her.

I hate him

I hate the way his eyes look into your soul.
I hate the way his smile hides his true feelings.
I hate the way he acts around me, like some self-centered prince.
I hate the way he thinks we can't be friends.
I hate the way he doesn't try hard enough.
I hate the way he looks at you as if he knows your deepest thoughts.
I hate the way he is always away from the crowd.
I hate the way he complains if nothing is going right.
I hate how he gets to me, thinking its all just a game.
I hate how he gets my hating him into loving him once he says my name.



Love it? Hate it? Let me know haha..i have also a TON of song lyrics too..that I just write...I swear I am the most randomest person in the world..


P,S: I'm thinking of like 3-4 different stories about Tabi and such..maybe I'll post the outlines of them and let y'all see..but I dont have much time lately..so I unno when that is gonna happen..haha k...i'm outtie!!




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