Magical Melody App ^-^


Nana Micha


Name: Nana Micha

Nickname: Mimi

Birthday: June 13th 1996 (if you want to make her the maknae, feel free to change it)

Birthplace: London, England

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 British | British mother, Japanese father


  • English | fluent

  • Japanese | fluent

Blood Type:

Height: 150 cm | 4 ft. 11 in.

Weight: 45 kg | 99 lbs.




Despite being 15, Mimi is extremely childish. She honestly acts like a five year old. If she gets hurt or gets yelled at, she'll burst into tears and she won't stop crying until someone comforts her for at least half an hour. Sometimes she'll break down crying for no apparent reason because she feels homesick or she misses her cat. Silly little things also make Mimi cry like if she spills milk or drops her fork on the floor. In other words, she's a complete and total crybaby. She also needs others to do almost everything for her including walking her through her entire schedule three times at the beginning of each year so that she knows where to go, getting her food for her, and even tucking her into bed at night. Yes, she still gets tucked in at night. She also sleeps with two stuffed animals: a dog named Mr. Snugglebug and a rabbit named Mrs. Cutiepie. The thing is, she's childish not in an irritating way, it's actually really cute. People around her tend to have the unexplainable urge to take care of Mimi and help her. Have you ever seen a cute little kid crying in the supermarket because they can't find their mommy and you just automatically want to help them? That's how people feel about Mimi. Especially the umma types. They love Mimi and Mimi loves them. She often forms very good mother-daughter like relationships with them.

Mimi often acts like a bit of a pabo. Actually, a lot like a pabo. She tends to be very forgetful, especially when it comes to homework. She rarely remembers when she has a test coming up and she is yet to turn in a homework assignment on time. As you can imagine, her grades aren't the best. She is also a total clutz that constantly trips over flat surfaces and gets lost when all you have to do is go straight. She is always dropping things and knocking things over. Never, and I mean NEVER, let her hold something breakable. Because I promise you, she will break it.

When she's not crying or upset, she's always unbelievably peppy. She is constantly smiling and giggling even when nothing's funny. She'll laugh at the corniest jokes and she absolutely adores cheesy pick up lines like "My name is Ron, but you can call me later." She's one of the few girls that something like that will actually work on. Despite her poor sense of first-impressions, she's a total romantic. She goes all goo-goo eyes whenever there are romantic dramas on and she loves to watch other people's love lives (partially because she doesn't have one herself).

Mimi always has enough energy for an entire room of people. She never runs out of it. She could run for miles talking and jumping around the whole way and still have energy left over. She barely ever sits still and her attention span is about five minutes. If she's bored or can't sit still any longer, she'll jump out of her seat and begin running around the room. It doesn't matter where she is, she could be in a class room or taking a test for all she cares. She doesn't really think it through, she just does it. Her energy always gets the best of her. This can be a handful, but the real trouble begins when she has too much sugar. You have never seen anyone get as hyper as Mimi after eating a bar of chocolate. She will babble random nonsense and her body will literally shake. She'll be running around so much you won't be able to keep track of her and her eyes will get REALLY big.

Mimi absolutely adores attention. She always wants to be the center of attention so she sometimes creates a scene on purpose to gain her the spotlight. Whether it's breaking down crying, tripping and falling on purpose, or bumping into an expensive vase, she can't get enough of other people's attention.

She can be incredibly picky. She won't let just anyone be her friend, or her boyfriend for that matter. Everything about a person has to be to Mimi's liking if she's gonna hang out with you. Also, she's picky with her food. She won't even touch anything that she doesn't like. If you put it in front of her, she'll probably throw it at your face. Yes, she has minor anger managment issues. If you upset her, she will let you know without hesitation.

Mimi is cute and she knows it. The thing is, she uses her aegyo for the wrong purposes. She tends to manipulate people with it. She loves making others do what she wants them to. Through her cuteness, deceit (she's very good at making up lies), and her mind games (she is extremely good at twisting people's thoughts) she can often get others to fulfill her every wish. Both boys and girls. She loves getting everything she wants and she usually does. The thing is, it's hard to tell that she's manipulative. It always seems like people do her biding on their own free will. Even her servants (that's what she calls the people she manipulates behind their backs) don't realize what she's doing to them. It takes an extremely perceptive person to realize what goes on behind the scenes.

Mimi is extremely egotistical. She thinks that she's the best at everything that matters and that the world revolves around her. I mean, what girl who got so much attention and whatever else she wanted wouldn't be self-centered? Mimi doesn't even hit her ego, she embraces it. She even makes egotistical remarks out loud. The thing is, her cute expression and adorable little voice make everyone think that she's either joking or just being a pabo. People rarely take these statements seriously.


Mimi comes from a very wealthy family that loved her and her brother more than anything in the world. The main problem, is that Mimi is a mudblood. Both of her parents are muggles, so they were rather freaked out when suddenly the twins began to do odd things such as move objects without touching them, turn lights on and off with their minds, and make flowers grow. The occurances started around the time Mimi and Taemin were five. They were taken to phsycologists, hospitals, and therapists. No one could understand what was different about these children. Then, they received the letter. From Hogwarts. It came early: around the time the twins were 8. You see, most muggle-born witches and wizards are unable to use magic until they learn how to at Hogwarts. Taemin and Mimi were different. Due to the ruccus the twins were causing in the muggle world, the Nana family received a letter explaining about the magical world. Mimi and Taemin grew up understanding that they were magical and neither was surprised when the letters came for them to attend Hogwarts.


  • sleep

  • using aegyo

  • attention

  • getting her way

  • sugar

  • animals

  • Mr. Snugglebug and Mrs. Cutiepie | her stuffed animals that she sleeps with

  • umma figures

  • herself


  • school

  • work

  • people who don't listen

  • bullies

  • people who see her manipulative nature

  • sour food

  • spicy food

  • ketchup/mustard

Favorite Foods:

  • anything sugary | especially dark chocolate

  • chips | preferably potato chips and Doritos

  • Bertty Bott's Every Flavored Beans | just be careful, she cries if she accidentally eats a vomit or bugger bean


  • swinging her feet when she has to sit still

  • tripping

  • breaking things

  • falling when she runs up or down stairs

  • forgetting things

  • puffing out her cheeks when she's bored or confused

  • making her eyes really big when she's listening intently or trying to understand something difficult



  • rapping | despite being the cute, petite girl she is, she can easily transform into a powerful rapper
  • dancing

  • bending people to her will

  • making up scenarios and daydreaming abou ther adventures in those scenarios

  • collecting stuffed animals


  • manipulation | she can make just about anyone do just about anything she wants them to do through her cute face, lies, and mind games



Looks Like: Kim Da Hyun |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  more

Back-up Looks Like: Song Ah Ri |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  more



Love Interest: Sehun (exo) <3

Back-up Love Interest: Yongguk (BAP) <3

Love Interest School Year: Sehun: 7, Yongguk: 7

Love Interest Information: Could you please introduce us? And I wasn't sure if you needed a summary of their personalities so I put one down just in case. You can totally ignore it if it's not what you meant =D

Sehun: He is rather protective of any girl that he is close to. He gets jealous easily and always wants every ounce of every girl's attention on him. He is extremely gentlemanly and loves to treat ladies "properly", but he absolutely despises most guys. He acts rudely toward them and doesn't really have any guy friends whatsoever. He's so much of a lady-pleaser that other guys are jealous of him and don't particularly like him either.

Yongguk: He is very manly and powerful and he won't let anyone he is close to get hurt. If someone he cares about does get hurt, he will come running to their aid and kill the person who is responsible for it. He often goes a bit over the top, but he's sweet and funny when he's calm.

If your back-up love interest is still available, do you possibly want a love triangle?: YES!!! if it fits with your plot that would be INCREDIBLE!!! =D

Best Friend:

  • Yunho | DBSK (TVXQ) | He acts like a total appa towards Mimi. He is unbelievably protective of her and is always the first one on the scene whenever Mimi gets upset and begins to cry.


  • Victoria | f(x) | She is the definition of an umma figure so Mimi and Victoria get along EXTREMELY well. Mimi even calls Victoria "umma" or "Victoria-umma". Whenever Mimi starts crying, Victoria is always the second one there, after Yunho of course.

  • Leetuek | Super Junior | While he is still somewhat childish himself, he knows how to lead. This is the reason Mimi and he get along well.

  • Eunhyuk | Being a bit of a cry-baby himself and incredibly lively, the two get along well thanks to their similarities.

Rival/Enemy (and why):

  • Kyuhyun | Super Junior | He can see right through her. He knows how manipulative she is and it doesn't work on him. He can't stand how good she is at it and how everyone else doesn't notice, so he hates her. She hates that he figured her out and therefore hates him. Also, Mimi's constant use of aegyo and her search for attention make Kyu sick.


  • Taemin | SHINee | twin brother | Obviously they have their similarities: they're cute, seem innocent, act rather childish, and have bundles of energy. Then again, they have their differences: Taemin is actually innocent while Mimi simply hides her evil side and Taemin isn't so much of a clutz. | They get along well though they aren't extremely close in any way. They go to each other for help and advice sometimes, but they'de never share their secrets with each other. It isn't the most trusting relationship between twins.

Parents/Non-idol Family:

  • Mother | Nana Kimberly

  • Father | Nana Soheo


Hogwarts/School Life♪

Wand: Cherry | Dragon Heartstring | 14" (it looks awkward next to her petite body)

House: Slytherin | I took two tests and they both said slytherin =D

Pet: (male) cat | Mrs. Fluff

Schedule: Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Alchemy, Earth Magic

School/Magic Strengths: Transfiguration, Charms

School/Magic Weaknesses: Everything else, especially Defense Against the Dark Arts

Patronus: Wolf Cub


Idol Life♪

Stage Name: Mimi

Position: Vocalist, Rapper

Back-up Position: Lead Dancer, Rapper



Anything Else: I love how you combined Harry Potter with kpop... it's incredible =D And I'm not just saying that as flattery, I honestly mean it. If you need me to change anything please tell me =D or you want to change something go right ahead... I'm flexable ^^

One last thing, are you a really big Harry Potter fan? I guess you have to be somewhat of a fan to write a story on it, but if you really love Harry Potter and know it well... I'd suggest going on Youtube and watching "A Very Potter Musical". You might have seen it all ready, but if not it's an absolutely halarious parody made into a musical by a bunch of really talented high school kids. It's kinda long, but trust me, you'll love it! I can't stop singing the songs XD



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