Fanfiction Survey


(Taken from Caline)


0. Your fanfiction pen name?


1. Do you read or write fanfiction?

I mostly write, but occasionally read.

2. When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

Beginning of last year - aka 2011.

3. What was your first fandom?

I'm surprised that I don't have one .__. SHINee pairing fandom? Maybe? Or just overall XD

4. First ship?

Jongkey :3

5. What website do you use most?


6. What do you think of AFF?

Organised site and all, but there are really too many bad writers (with popularity even) that are flooding the ones that actually write good. I disagree with the 'most popular' section and even the 'featured' section sometimes. Many (not all) of the featured fanfics are really bad.

7. What fandoms have you written in?

SHINee. And...SHINee.

8. Pairings?

Almost fully Jongkey, aside from a few oneshots for 2min.

9. Any fandoms you would like to write in?

Some Japanese ones?

10. Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

I haven't asked for one yet. My self esteem won't let me, haha. I already know where to improve and I'm still thinking of a way to do so without subscribers missing out on the previous chapters.

11. Do you use a beta?

I don't like people touching my story.

12. What ratings do you read/write?


13. What warnings have you used on your fiction/read?

Basically for character death and intense ...I guess.

14. Do you have any squicks?

(Had to google the definition for this)

Sometimes when I encounter the one or two OnChicken , (not a fan), ot3 with two ukes and one seme...

I don't like it when people with food (aka they in by themselves, not when food is used on them [because that's fricken delicious])

15. Do you Role-play online?

Pass. I hate that.


16. Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?

Quotes? Quite a few modified ones. I don't know if it's technically 'stolen' or not, but I was inspired by Bound Prince for Chained (which is now completely changed and hardly resembles Bound Prince anymore)

17. Favorite fandom to write/read?

SHINee pairings. Hell yeah Jongkey.

18. Favorite pairing?


19. Favorite writer/writers?

All of the amazing rant and writing tip authors I have subscribed to.

20. How long should a chapter be?

I like them be consistant (which then I will unfortunately break this for my next fanfic), but anything over 3k words is absolutely fine. 

21. Do you write/read drabbles?

Not really. I definetely don't write them, and I haven't read any in a while.

22. Any fandoms you avoid?

Anything but SHINee fandoms =^=

23. Pairings you avoid?

Most het pairings.

24. Warnings you avoid?

Nothing. I'll read them all.

Oh, apart from "This fanfic . Don't read it"

25. Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

No. Some of the best fanfics out there don't have reviews. One crappy author can go around asking for hundreds of reviews and still have a bad fanfic.

26. What do you think of Mary Sues?

Ha, in your dreams.

27. Have you ever flamed someone?

Yeah. Burn baby.

28. Have you ever been flamed?


29. How many fanfictions have you written?

13 :D


30. What genres do you write?

, angst, romance, jongkey, drama.


31. What story of yours has the most comments, and how many?

Contract to My Heart with a feeble 119.

32. Most words?

Contract to My Heart with numbers that I don't bother adding up.


33. Which one do you like the most?

Contract to My Heart...heh. Simply because I spend so much more time thinking about it.


34. Which one do you like the least?

The 2min oneshots :/ I was a really bad writer back then, and I don't like the way that I wrote it T.T

35. What do you think of het stories?

Haven't read any.

36. Slash/?

What does slash mean  .__. BUT <3.

37. Favourite het pairing?

It's not even on AFF, but Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, haha.

38. Favourite slash pairing?

OH, IT MEANS LIKE BL. Um, Jongkey. or Asami and Takaba. Or Megane and Midou. Or..Or...I can't decide :(

39. Do you write about your original characters or canon characters for fandoms?

.__. No?

Your Stories

Choose your top three stories (Or oneshots) you like best.

Contract to My Heart, Chained, Painting My World

What's #1 about?

A not so ordinary man - Jonghyun - and his encounters with his 'housekeeper', Key. But due to his background, Jonghyun is constantly targeted, and sometimes it even influences Key...

Argh, who cares. It's about , drama, angst and romance.

Number 2?

I really can't be bothered doing this.

heaps of , angst, slight mysterious feeling, and practically no romance.

Number 3?

Oh, I can do this one.

Key has a terminal illness and wants to fulfill Jonghyun's wishes behind the scenes. However, unexpectedly, Jonghyun tells him to 'Paint me my world'...


Why do you like them?

Because I worked on the first two more than anything else (and they are chaptered).

I liked the third one cause it made me study color psychology ^ ^

Your Favorites

How many favorite authors do you have?


Favorite stories?


What genres are your favorite stories?

There are no 'favorite' stories for me, okay? I just read and think before moving on. Nothing leaves me wanting to read more.

Will you read someone's stories if they asked you to?

Yeah, I do it all the time. I only comment if it's mediocre or above average. 

Oh, but I don't read the ones that have people spamming everyone's wall advertising. They disgust me cause they're usually really bad.


Looks I I was kinda harsh on this survey. Oh well. 


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i screamed at the ichiruki part xD
Not really harsh considering it's what you think and well the truth hurts but hey that's life...I agree with your top three stories I really enjoyed them well i'm enjoying them. Lol not even one favourite story my favourites change all the time considering I forget about the previous ones.