Answers to those questions

Wow, I never expected such deep questions. I'm not sure if I can respond with deep answers. If you still wanna ask, go to the previous blog post of mine C:

Well, let's get this started.


ErisChaotica asks:

 What's your most memorable dream from your childhood? Do you have any such dream? If not, what's the most recent dream that you can remember?

I'm sure it's being chased by dinosaurs. But, they weren't normal dinosaurs. They were dinosaurs from those toys that you hang above a baby's cradle to make them laugh/sleep/feel comfortable. I'm still scarred for life.

ShineeLuver777 asks:

1. What is your deepest, darkest, secret? Have you ever told anyone about it?

2. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? When did it happen?

3. I heard that you will be leaving AFF after Contract to My Heart ends. Is this really true? How soon is the end to Contract to My Heart?

4. What is your biggest regret? If you could go back and change what happened, what would you do?

1) Oo, that's a hard question to confess to, haha. I can't think of any from the top of my head, cause I'm basically all 'out' and don't really have any secrets. It's not really dark, but probably writing fanfiction and liking , haha. No one really knows about it :/

2) Pissing my pants in the bank with my grandma when I was 5. Must've been more embarassing for her than me, though.

3)  It's sort of half true and half not. Instead of a permanent leave, it's more like a long hiatus for me to relax from all the writing and stuff like that. I'll be coming back next year after this 'long hiatus' with a new fanfic, though. I'm pretty sure that Contract to My Heart isn't going to end any sooner, though. I'm estimating for it to be over 30 chapters.

4) Not getting to know my grandfather more. I only met him for three days or so before he passed away, and I didn't even know that he was my grandfather. I simply treated him like an old man from the neighbourhood. I really regret not telling him that I loved him. If I could, I would change that and tell him that he was awesome.

BrokenWhispers asks:

1. What do you think about depression and mental disorders?

2. Do you think anyone deserves sympathy?

3. What do you think about children of divorced couples?

1)Depends on how intense said disorder and depression is. I don't know anyone with such things, so I cannot express my feelings towards it.

2) Not really. Everyone should understand that there are consequences for actions, and failure is definetely mixed in between. There's no exception for anyone - it's their fault. Also, how would us symphahizing help them in any way? Make them feel better?

3) I treat them like the children of normal couples. My cousins are children of a divorced couple. There's not really anything wrong with them, apart from the fact that they are slightly more protective over their thoughts.

lackofsleep asks:

how can you be sooo awsome?lol

Heh, thank you. I'm not awesome, though. Just average :)

Onceuponafanfic asks:

I'm a massive fan of the previous version of Contract to my Heart and I just want to ask, when will the new version be done by?

Like what I have said to ShineeLuver777, I won't be done for at least another 5 months or so. There's so much more to come. However, I have managed to find the original copy (aka the one that I had before) stored somewhere, and I might post that after the new version is complete for comparison.

I'm not sure how you would define 'done by', since after the main story is done, I will release several oneshots and afterstories to back it up. Hope that answers it.

SHInEeChIcK259 asks:

What is your ual preference?

I should've knew that this question was going to sooner or later. Many people suspect that writers (like myself) are lesbians, but I can declare that I am straight. I have always been, and I doubt I will change. I love men, especially Asian men. There's no denial in that.

So that ends all the questions :D Hope you guys got know me a bit more, haha. If you like, you can still ask me questions :P Just wall me.

Have a nice day guys C:

P.S: If you see any weird gaps, please do excuse me. I still can't get the horizontal line tool quite right =.=


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