[ App] ☯ the gift

☯ —It's all about you.

Name/Nickname:  Jessica / Jazz, ZomPig,Gummybear

AFF Username: Sica--

AFF Profile Link:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/19094

—Behind that facade.

Name: Shin MinMin

Nickname: Jinie, Dokie

Date of Birth:  March the 29th 1992

Age: 20

Place of Birth: China (Her parents made holidays in China and just wanted to go home when her mother was about to give birth to Shin MinMin but lives in South Korea)

Hometown: Namji

Ethnicity: South Korea

Language(s) Spoken: Korean, English, French, Spanish, German and some words in Latin.

☯ —Your outer beauty.

Appearance: A cute, sweet and lovely appearance{ preppy/cute looking girls are a no-no, sorry! } 

Ulzzang Name:  Yoo Hyun Jin

Back-up Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji

Links: Yoo Hyun Jin : http://alloffiction.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/yoo-hyun-jin.jpg
           Do Hwe Ji: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg9/scaled.php?server=9&filename=tumblrkvbvvesfcj1qzcso1.png&res=landing

Height: About 1,64 cm

Weight: 57kg

☯—Now let your inner beauty shine. 

Before she was a totally sweet heart and full of life. She was bubbly, smiling, laughing and totally happy well all that till she saw her loved one's day. It's like that they not just killed her loved one's no they also killed her lively personality.

Now she was just acting nice to the people making them think that she's over with it. She smiled but it did hurt. She wanted to smile freely and normally again without forcing it. She wanted everything back. Her loved one's. She mostly thought back at the old times and her old personality showed up.
But she became a loner afraid of getting too close to people and losing them or getting killed again. She thinks people close to her kills them.

When she found out her power she gained more confidence in herself but still not trying to get too close to people still being a but afraid but her seems like frozen personality hat melt a bit but her sadness still was lingering inside because she knew no power if it's running fast, being the most clever, looking back in the past or reading minds all this wouldn't help and bring her dead loved one's back.

Likes: - Strawberries
           -  the sound of leaves in the wind
           - quiet places
           - fantasy books
           - Movies (except Horror because it reminds her of her past)
           - the clear blue sky
           - cooled down days
           - Fields with grass and fields with flowers                      

Dislikes: - Bad attitude
               - People who think they know everything about her
               - Bad smell
               - not getting her sleep
               - being alone
               - make-up dolls
               - I-know-everything-better-than-anyone-of-you people        

Habits: - plays with her hair when she talks to people she really likes
            - rocks back on forth on her feet when she waits for someone or being impatiently
            - when she's totally into doing something she sticks out her tongue and swings or tongue along the                                                                 moves she makes

when goes to school she mostly puts her hair up and loose messed up bun.

—Looking back at the past. 

Family Background:
She lived with her Parents and her older brother. Her Mother Yoo Hyun Jae was 45 years and her Father Yoo Hyun Ki 47 years old were not the richest parents but worked very hard to give their children a good and nice life with a lot of traditions, love and fun. Her father took care after an Japanese shrine on the mountain and wrote books. Her mother worked in a little bakery near their house.
Her older brother Yoo Chin Ho (25) was studying abroad just like he wanted. But he had returned because he had holidays for 2 months. He was a student of Physicals and such.
She was loved by her family members and by others also. Their family was a hard working family. Her grandmother who used to live with them died 5 years ago because she was too old. Well her family had a pure background and was like any other family besides this one person but he killed himself.
And actually there would be another sibling but he was born dead.
To make it short their family was just as normal as others if you looked aside of all the pressure they gave each other to have a great family life.

How did your family members die?:
Her mother had found the death at the age of 51. She had lost her job, my father had been away for some time not bringing back enough money for us. All this pressure made her depressed and not feeling like being able to do all that anymore, she killed herself by taking sleeping tablets and drinking a bottle of wine.
Her father died due an car accident. He had blood loss.
My brother died because of an illness he didn't tell anyone about.


In the last year of High School but helps out part time in a café.

—Back to the present. 

When and how did you find out you had your power?:
She was in the bathroom doing her morning routine.
She was on the toilette while listening to the radio. The radio was from Europe and they played a song in a foreign language she didn't know about but she somehow understood every word and suddenly the language didn't seem to be that foreign anymore and began testing herself about that power. She thought she was crazy!

What is your power?: The first one is: Omni-linguismCypher
                                   The second one is: Animal Mimicry

Do you use it for good or bad? Explain why
She uses the power mostly for good things. Like for school. She gets the best marks in her language lessons and help others to understand. But then again she tricks the ones who were picking up on her. She can understand the pain of other people in the whole world.
(and if she even can understand animals, she tries to help them but also want them to track down some persons maybe stealing the make-up or messing up their hair)

When she's in trouble she can run as fast as she can like a leopard or climbs on a tree like monkey. These powered she only uses for good things. She never used them for something bad but trains her strength powers anyways if she's in trouble or something.

Are you most active at night, afternoon, or day?:
In the morning she's more a sleepy person and very slow. She's all in all a sleepy person. But when it means they go out tonight, then she's awake! So she's most active near the afternoons and evenings.

—Don't get too attached. Know your place. 

Well I would like to have B1A4's SanDeul and if he's taken I'm fine with CNU or Baro and if they are taken also, I'm fine with DooJoon. ( or just message me if there should be a problem.)

 He was just a school mate to her but he still took care after her from afar. Made everything for her more comfortable but she hasn't noticed. He knew some things about her past but just one thing. He would talk to her a lot melting her lonely frozen heart but no matter how far she tried to get away from, the closer he would go after her. Till they got one day in a quarrel in which he told her that she can't hide forever and such things. Not cruel one's just the truth and left her. That broke her heart because he was a bit like her brother but she liked him more than that. From that day on, she wasn't that cold towards him anymore.

His first reaction when he find out about your powers and the curse:
He would be like "Are you kidding me? If you have that kind of power I can flyyyy". He found it admiring but he wouldn't admit that! But in the end he saw no other way out than believing her after she proved him several times.
So at first he would think that she just thought of something like that and found it funny yet totally cool and amazing but the more time passed the more he began believing it.

How does he act towards you? Before and after:

Before: No matter what he wanted to get to know her showing her the life again. Making her smile and laugh again. He would act childish around her often but he could be dead serious at the next moment too. He was cute but also a bit bad boyish trying to catch her attention (he succeed). But he would deny liking her infront of his friends at first but still took glances from her every here and then.

After: He would proudly say how much in love he is with her and smile brightly. He would admire her beauty, protect her and teach other guys a lesson if they would pick up on her.
He got confident in his love for her everyday a bit more and wanted to be with her badly.
Even when they got together he wasn't shy showing his love for her. No matter what everyone said, did or anything else his love for her didn't change a tiny bit. His love for would shine brighter every day.

Even thought he was afraid that he also might die being around her, he couldn't bring himself to stay away from her. He was afraid of her but his love was bigger.


☯—Extra, extra, extra. 

Comments:   Well actually no comments^^ I just really love the plot of this story... and I know my app isn't the best one or the most unique one but still I tried hehe;) Of course I will read the story!^^  It would be so cool to know how all this starts and how they all fall in love and such... omo I'm excited like a little child XD

Suggestions:  Just a big Hwaiting for your story;)


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