Ok, read this (from my friend on;







That wasn't even international! International does not just mean East Asia and one country in Europe. Not to mention SM specifically said that the tour would be coming to the AMERICAS as well. The only reason why I didn't put up a bigger fuss about not going to SMTown NYC is because I figured it would be more worth it to just see SuJu instead of seeing them with the rest of the groups - not that I don't love them, but the only reason I would be going would be for SuJu. 

But now they're not coming? Not only that, but they're going to Seoul and Japan again, and then bringing the SMTown tour back to LA? What sort of bull is this, SM? Are you trying to lose fans? You can only drag us out so far before we snap. 

Which brings me to why I made this journal. Apparently a representative said that if we could get 10,000 signatures together for them to come here, they'll come. Which means we're going to need the help of as many people as possible! Here's the main petition that's been going around: LINKKKKKK~~~ There's a lot floating around, but this one has the most, I believe. 

But yes. Even if you don't live the US, please sign it for us. I know some of you won't care, including those who've already seen the concert, but just think - You remember how excited you were over the concert. How thrilled you were to be part of the sapphire blue ocean. Now it's up to you to make sure that other ELFs will get the same chance to make some lifelong memories. 

Please guys. I'm begging you. Do this for us. Sign it, and then share it wherever you can: dA, Tumblr, FaceBook, Twitter, anywhere. (Only sign once though - signing twice could make it invalid when we send it in.) Thank you so much to those who take the time to do this! Us ELFs need to come together to fight for each other!


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