I'll Close My Eyes App | Xiah Souli ^-^



My app goes along with Acarlex's since she's my twin sister for this application ^-^

Xiah Souli

Action ----

AFF Username: TheBestOfKpop

AFF Profile Link:  click!!!


Welcome to the Block ----

Name: Xiah Souli

Nickname(s): Soul

Ethnicity: half french, quarter chinese, quarter korean | Mother is French-korean and father is French-Chinese

Spoken Languages: Chinese, French, and Korean

Blood Type: AB

Height & Weight: 174 cm, 49 kg

Birth Date & Age: December 25th 1993 | 18 years old

Birth Place & Hometown: Lyon, France


Tell Them ----


Souli's favorite saying is Y.O.L.O (You only live once). Some people call her a rebel, others call her a dare-devil. Either way, Souli is the kind of person that will never back down from a dare. If you tell her she can't do something, she'll go out and do it just to prove you wrong. Also, if there's something she wants to do, nothing can possibly get in her way. She doesn't care about breaking rules, actually she thinks that breaking rules just makes whatever she's doing more fun. Rules are made to be broken, right?

As you can imagine, this gets her into a lot of trouble. School teachers hate her and her average grade is a D+. It's not because she isn't smart. Her IQ has actually tested in the genius level. The problem is her demerits. She has countless. And the fact that she barely ever shows up to class. She goes about three days a week. And lastly, her interesting test answers. She likes to make tests fun by, as she says it, "spicing things up a bit". She likes to find weird ways to answer questions such as circling x on the paper and writing "I found it" when the instructions are Find x. One of her favorite things to do is draw a very detailed flower where the answer should be and write "I drew this extremely detailed flower to distract you from my lack of knowledge". She usually gets one or two points for that in the beginning of the year (even teachers sometimes have a sense of humor), but the teachers quickly get annoyed. Zeros are common for Souli.

Souli loves independence. It makes life worth living. That's because life is worth living only if you're the one living it. Souli can't stand people who try to control her and she has a nasty temper toward anyone that tries to make decisions for her. If you tell her what to do, she'll blow up in your face and then purposely do the exact opposite of what you told her just to piss you off. However, Souli can take advice. As a matter of fact, she kinda likes advice. It lets her know other people's opinions and consider different things without being committed to doing one certain thing. Souli loves choices and variety. They're two of her favorite things in life (besides independence).

Souli loves to joke around. Especially in a erted way. Yes, she's a ert, but not the creepy kind. She's the joking kind that people tend to have the urge to hit over the head. She asks that you please ignore this urge. She's rather popular at school thanks to this trait, she's always a lot of fun to be around and though she teases her friends constantly they love her carefree and playful attitude. Souli is known as a master at twisting words. She can take any word and make it erted somehow and she cracks up laughing when someone says something that can be taken in a erted way. Though some people call her immature, she is proud of her erted mind. It makes her more interesting, in her opinion.

Souli has a hot temper that you don't want to mess with. If you say the slightest thing that ticks her off, your in for one hell of a fight. Though she tries her hardest not to resort to using her martial arts, she sometimes can't help herself. Whether or not she gets violent, she never lets anything that someone said slide. She will curse you out, flip you off, insult you on multiple levels, and possibly make fun of you with humor which always seems to get to people since everyone around starts laughing. Yes, she does this in public. Here's a list of some funny   insults she uses (some on this site are pretty bad, but there are some pretty funny ones in there too ^^). The problem is, she likes to use these on her mom too. That doesn't go over well. Souli also likes to use these as a joke. She'll say them to her friends, but they almost always understand that she's just playing around. Renée is about the only one exempt from Souli's insults. Souli doesn't want to do anything that could hurt her sister.


A reasonably quiet life, the two sisters grew up wandering the city. Their parents weren't too worried for them, they knew how to defend themselves: Souli with her martial arts and Renée with her Judo and boxing. The two girls always watched each other's backs and each made sure that the other was safe. They grew close through this. They learned to depend on each other and to understand each other even when words weren't used. The thing is, something did go wrong despite their careful protective and careful nature. Nothing too dramatic. Just Souli got mugged and Renée got pushed around a little. Nothing big. But after that day came the biggest fight between their parents about who's fault it was. Neither would give in, hating to lose as much as they both did. It ended in a messy divorce. The girls were 13, old enough to understand what it meant but not old enough to do anything about it. The sisters were separated: Renée with her dad and Souli with her mom. They both moved to Seoul, but were strictly forbidden from seeing each other. Neither parent wanted to remember the other though the girls couldn't understand why since their relationship hadn't been that bad.

Being apart and carefully watched took a toll on the girls though their friendship stayed strong. Skype became their best friend and they would talk every week for hours. The thing is, they had to do it secretively since both parents would be upset if they knew. After a year passed, both girls had come to the conclusion that they missed each other more than they could ever miss their parents so when they became legal adults, they left and went to live in an apartment with their friends.

Life With Her Mom

Souli was never much of a mama's girl. Of course, she was never a daddy's girl either. She never really had a close relationship with either parent, but at least she could tolerate her dad's company. Though Souli didn't fully appreciate his quiet and calm personality, she found that he could be fun and that he made decent company even though he obviously favored Renée. He still loved Souli and was happy to be around her. But then, when Renée and their dad moved out, Souli was stuck with her mom. Souli and her mom had always heads. Her mom was the worrisome, controlling, my-kids-are-my-slaves type. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an over exaggeration, but to put it simply, she never trusted Souli and would never let her do anything on her own. She too favored the quiet, calm Renée to the wild, crazy Souli. It was because Renée had been with Souli that their mom had allowed the two to wander Lyon alone. After the favorite left, Souli was stripped of all bitty to do anything on her own. Her mother always called her friends' parents if Souli wanted to go to a sleepover or party to make sure the friend's parents knew about it and were going to be home. She didn't allow Souli to walk around the city without having at least three other friends with her. She reminded Souli of the things she had to do (such as chores and homework) at least once every ten minutes until Souli got around to doing it. Souli was given a 10 o'clock bed time (which she usually broke). She was basically stripped of all her independence which was, to Souli, unacceptable. The two got into constant fights usually over stupid things like how many times her mom reminded Souli to wash the dishes. But every fight seemed important to Souli because in every fight she tried and tried to assert her independence. Most of the time it failed, but Souli never gave up. When Renée and Souli decided to leave, Souli couldn't have been more thrilled and she never regretted not telling her mom about leaving.


Souli's taking a year off of school since she just graduated (or is about to graduate depending on when the story takes place) from high school. She had almost failing grades, but managed to pull through and walk with the rest of her class at graduation. Souli is not looking forward to college because school was never her strong suit. When she was younger, college seemed like the best opportunity ever since she would get away from home, but since she's already moved out her motivation is gone.


Souli tried to be a waitress but couldn't deal with all the demands that were made of her and the complaining customers so she quit (she was actually fired for yelling at a customer... you'll read more on that later). Now she has a job as a sketch artist for some company that creates cartoons. It's a rather small company and the pay isn't great, but it covers her share of the rent and there's always enough left over to keep her fed and entertained.


  • independence, breaking rules, dares, variety, jokes, being erted, funny insults | just a reiteration of the stuff in the personality section
  • buffets | there's so much food and so much variety you can always find something you like
  • chocolate | Souli has a minor (maybe not so minor) addiction to chocolate, especially dark chocolate
  • spending time with Renée | her sister is the closest person in the world to Souli and she feels happiest when she's with Renée despite her quiet personality
  • wandering the city alone | it makes her feel independent
  • erts | she feels like she can relate to them and she believes that erts are the most fun people to be around, that's why she loves being a ert herself
  • parties | there's always a lot of action and excitement
  • music | it helps her clear her mind


  • being told what to do, limitations, school, teachers, her mom | again, just a recap
  • losing
  • white chocolate | its the one type of chocolate that Souli can't stand, it's too sweet and it's not even real chocolate!!!
  • here are some of the things that piss her off and get her temper up:
    • being told what to do
    • when someone she doesn't know well acts like they know everything about her | if you don't know her, then don't act like you do
    • people who spread rumors
    • people who are constantly texting
    • people who think that they're better than everyone else
    • people who blindly follow someone else | you have a mind of your own, use it
    • snot-nosed brats | who doesn't hate them?
    • complainers
  • people who can't take a good joke or have no sense of humor
  • geeks | not as in anyone who's smart, there are plenty of fun smart kids, but she means the people who spend their days studying and playing video games


  • Martial Arts | She takes karate and tae kwon do
  • Dancing | she's doesn't think that she's good at it though she is extremely talented, she works hard at her dancing and is constantly trying to become better
  • Drawing | she's actually a very good artist and she especially enjoys drawing flowers


  • not studying for tests
  • not doing her homework
  • skipping classes
  • arguing with her mom
  • blowing up at people when they piss her off
  • biting her bottom lip when she's frustrated or annoyed
  • giving the death stare (which she's REALLY good at) to anyone who comes close to crossing the line


  • Souli loves seafood.
  • She has always wanted a cat but has never been able to have one because she's allergic.
  • She is also allergic to rabbits and carrots.
  • She doesn't drink milk.
  • The way that she learned to draw was by drawing on tests.
  • She hasn't gotten a 100 on a test or quiz since elementary school
  • She has a scar on her right forearm from a burn that she got while cooking.
  • Souli cries when there's a sad ending to a movie, but she never lets people see it or else they'd think she was too sensitive. (Renée and Yukwon are the only ones who know this).
  • She was a trainee under YG for two years when she was 15 and 16. She left when she realized her sister was a JYP trainee and her boyfriend was in Brand New Stardom. She didn't want their companies to pull them apart plus she hadn't really been enjoying herself too much.


U Hoo Hoo ----


  • Xiah Chiho | father | Even though Souli wasn't his favorite, he loved her and she appreciated his company. He was always ready to listen to what Souli had to say and he encouraged her in almost everything she did. He rarely ever got mad at her and even when he did they never got into a serious fight. They existed harmoniously and neither really bothered the other. They weren't close, but they weren't distant either.
  • Xiah Eunsun | mother | Again, Souli was the least favorite daughter, but with her mom it showed. A lot. Souli's mother didn't trust Souli to do anything on her own including chores, wandering the city, homework, and everything else imaginable. Her mother had no faith in her. The two were fighting constantly about every little thing. There didn't seem to be a moment when they weren't either ignoring each other or biting each other's heads off. Souli could never understand her mom's logic on so many things and the use of the words "Because I said so," which her mom used all the time pissed her off beyond belief. The two were always at odds and nothing changed even as Souli matured making her think it was more her mother's fault than hers.




Xiah Renee (Acarlex's app)

younger twin sister (by 2 minutes) | The two are EXTREMELY close. I mean, they ran away from home in order to be able to see each other. They have learned to depend on each other and they always have each other's backs. They can understand what the other is feeling even without words and they are almost always seen together.


  • Kevin Woo (ukiss) | Souli and Renée had been kissmes for a long time and both were fans of Kevin. He's the slightly feminine, adorkable and bubbly member that the twins couldn't help but fall in love with. | Souli and Renée had been separated for two years making them 15 and they missed each other every day. So the two decided to go to a ukiss concert in Malaysia and secretly meet up there. Their dad trusted Renée enough to let her go on her own and Souli snuck out of the house without mentioning a word of it to her mom. She wouldn't even realize Souli was gone. Things were going smoothly and the two were looking for each other at the concert when their dad jumped up from behind Renée and screamed "SURPRISE!!!" He had gotten himself and Renée backstage passes. He clung to Renée like glue and Souli had no opportunity to approach her. Souli decided to sneak backstage in case their dad decided to leave for a few minutes, but luck was not on their side. The only time Renée was left alone was when she was talking to Kevin and Souli couldn't run up to them, she'd probably be carried away by security guards. However, after Renée was done talking to Kevin, he came up to Souli and explained that Renée had told him how they were separated and he relayed a message to her. For the rest of the evening, Kevin worked as their messenger and through this, Souli and Renée became close friends. They still talk constantly and Kevin is one of the few people the twins are willing to talk about their past to.
  • G-dragon (BigBang) | The very cocky but sweet leader of BigBang who knows how to make almost anyone smile. He's passionate about his talents and he always works hard. | While training under YG, Souli had trained a lot alone in any practice room that she could reserve. She would often end up with weird hours like 3-5 a.m. or 11-12 p.m. This never really bothered Souli because she knew she had to practice, but it did take somewhat of a toll on her. Still, she continued to work hard and one day, BigBang was coming into the practice room at 4 a.m. to practice for their upcoming comeback. Souli had lost track of time and was still dancing when they walked into the room. They were fascinated by how good her dancing was for such a young age and they forced her to dance for them. Reluctantly, she did and they spent the entire time they were supposed to be practicing dancing with Souli and giving her pointers. Especially G-dragon. He was amazed by Souli's dancing and had the extreme urge to help her improve even more. After that day, G-dragon continued to meet her in the YG practice rooms and help her with her dancing. Even now that Souli quit, they still meet up every now and then to dance with each other.
  • Yunho (TVXQ) | He is the ideal guy. He is strong and manly while being passionate and kind. He knows how to lead, but also how to step down and he is very protective of his friends and family. | Despite being major competitors, SM and YG sometimes cooperate with each other. In one case, they had been asked to make a CF together. Yunho and Changmin got center stage, but Souli was chosen to be a backup dancer. The problem was, she was extremely tired the day it was being shot because she had been practicing with G-dragon until 5 a.m. Because she was groggy, she tripped during the practice and bumped into Yunho. Instead of getting angry, he helped her up and asked if she was okay. He then bought her an energy drink and made sure she would be alright to shoot the CF. They exchanged phone numbers and text often though they don't often get to see each other since they weren't in the same companies and he has a tight schedule.

Block B Boyfriend:


 The two met while Souli was still a waitress. Souli had been having a rather bad day due to a recent fight with her mom when Yukwon decided to stop in since he was starved. He sat down at the table and Souli bluntly asked him "And what the hell do you want, sir?" with a huge attitude. Yukwon was a bit taken aback but at the same time amused. He liked people (especially girls) who had a mind of their own. He tried to make a pass on Souli, but epically failed simply giving Souli a reason to be pissed at him. She half-threw his food in front of him when it was ready and didn't say a word even when he asked for another glass of water. It wasn't until he literally threw a french fry at her that she acknowledged him. And by 'acknowledged' I mean 'flipped out on'. She started screaming and she even threw his food on the ground. It seems like a temper tantrum, right? It basically was. The stress of her mom and being away from Renée had finally exploded and she let it out on Yukwon. But then it turned into an emotional breakdown. After she was done shouting, she curled up on the floor and started crying. Yukwon immediately came over and began to comfort her despite all the things she had said to him. He comforted her and even gave her a ride home (since she had gotten fired) and he was very kind to her. He asked for her phone number and Souli was too drained to resist. Yukwon began texting her constantly and gave her cheesy compliments like "This day is just as beautiful as you." Eventually, Souli warmed up to him and accepted his invitation to dinner. While at the restaurant, Yukwon suddenly said "You know this means we're dating, right?" Souli was shocked, but happy at the same time and she excitedly agreed.

Yukwon is a bit awkward, but at the same time fun and he loves to flatter and compliment Souli at every opportunity he has. He tries his hardest to be a romantic, but usually fails at it. Still, it's always adorable even when he makes the atmosphere awkward. Souli often describes him as adorkable and Yukwon gets a little embarrassed and tries to be manly, but fails again. Their relationship is full of laughs and good times. They both understand the other's sense of humor and appreciate it. They love spending time with each other though they both understand that there have to be times when they're separated so that they don't eventually piss each other off. They know that this won't last forever, even if they do get married things will never be the same as they are now, so they always make the best of the time they have. They encourage the other couples to spend more time together and become truly close since they want all their friends relationships to work out. Souli and Yukwon don't usually fight because Yukwon doesn't ever tell Souli what to do, instead he suggests things. Souli also respects his feelings and they have learned how not to get on each other's nerves. Still, every good couple has their fights and Souli and Yukwon are no exception. There's no recurring theme to these fights, it just happens that one person pisses the other off and they fight it out. It never gets too serious and Souli has never even considered using martial arts on him and they always make up after about a day.

Block B Friends:


Since he's Renée's boyfriend, they often go on double dates all together and they hit it off well. P.O. also likes to go to Souli for advice on how to be Renée's ideal boyfriend and he trusts her feminine advice when it comes to jewelry, fashion, and what girls mean when they say certain things. Though not as often, Souli does go to P.O. for help understanding why a guy did something and/or what it means.

Block B

Souli's overall relationship with Block B is pretty good. She isn't so tight with B-Bomb, but she loves spending time with all of them. She feels that she belongs where she is, with Block B, her friends, and of course her sister. Sometimes, she can't help but smile for no apparent reason when she's around them because it makes her so happy to be somewhere where she feels she belongs. The boys of Block B are always happy to see her and she makes them laugh whenever they spend time together. They sometimes argue, but friends who can argue tend to stay together longer. It's good to let your feelings out every now and then. Other than Yukwon and Jihoon, Souli is very close with Zico. They're often seen together hanging out and usually playing around like little kids. She would consider dating Zico if things ever went down hill with Yukwon, but she sticks by the rule that you don't date your best friends' exs. Because of this belief, she is extremely natural around Block B because she doesn't ever have to worry about possibly dating one of them in the future.

Potential Other Lover:

  • Sehun (exo) | He is a protective oppa who gets jealous easily, but at the same time respects that the world doesn't revolve around him. He isn't very good at containing his jealously, though he tries to at least make it subtle. He is a total romantic who loves to create the perfect moment like what you see in movies. He can be a bit awkward at times, especially when he tries to act really manly, but it's usually very cute.

  • Luhan (exo) | He is a big fuzz-ball of aegyo and fun. He is the dongsaeng type, but he makes a good oppa too. He can be a little childish at times, but he is always fun to be around. It's especially hilarious when he tries to act his age. He fails. But it's the funniest thing to watch.

  • Jongup (BAP) | He is a little awkward, but his manly side makes up for it. He's strong and an incredible dancer with the face of an angel. He loves being dominant, but he knows when to back down and let others take control.

Your Ex(s): N/A

His Ex(s): You can chose if he's had or not =D


Jongup (BAP) - Yes, they could potentially be lovers, but they are also intense competitors. Not only does Jongup often try to tell Souli what to do, but they are also constantly trying to become a better dancer than the other. Their styles of dance are very different, so it's hard to say who's "better", but they constantly battle it out both with words and dance moves.


Freeze ----

Ulzzang Name: Baek Su Min

Images:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | more      Pics with her sis:  1 2

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Jung Min Hee

Images:  1 2 3 4 5 6 more     Pics with her sis:  1 2

Style: Souli loves comfort. Casual clothes all the time is her ideal way of dressing, though she's willing throw together something nicer if the occasional calls for it.

Casual:  1 2

Formal:  1 2

On dates/semi-formal:  1 2


Did You or Did You Not ----

Anything Else: Of course!!! =D the password (for me) is Did You Or Did You Not =D And I love your story!!! It's nice to see a good Block B apply fanfic since there aren't too many out there. And I love how the girls are already dating Block B.... it's different. Can't wait for the story!!! Hwaiting!!!



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