gonna be attending Super Show 4 Second Day on Tokyo Dome!!!

i dont know if i'm out of my mind but... i didn't sleep last night because i'm too excited to watch SS4 specially Siwon & Hyukjae!!!!


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omycheese so happy for u ^^ scream ur lungs out 4 us as we wont b able 2 b there >.< wow u lucky ducky C: <3 x
dorky10 #2
I've just watched them when they were in Indonesia! >w<
I was like you too, I found it hard to sleep on the night before the show 0_0
But it was worth staying up late~ it was totally daebak! Hope you'll have much fun! :DD
DdazzlingZYX #3
have fun dear!!! ENJOY!
enjoy the night!!! ^__^
don't forget your pictures.., kekek!!
OmG. I totally noe rite. Whn I went for ss4
Singapore, I was so excited I cldnt slp :o;!!
Have fun! Enjoy! I know it's going to be so exciting! <3
enjoy the concert! :)))
mochi9 #8
Jinja ?? Soo lucky ..
I hope you enjoy the concert ^^~
nurul-ryu #9
really?so lucky...take a siwon picture for me...have fun..
really? awwwww how luckyyyyy
I've read somewhere that Kanging will probably be there! Take lots of pictures and have fun! Fighting! <3
greentealover1315 #12
WAHH lucky!!! Have a wonderful time and make sure you scream loud enough so they can hear you....then take a picture of them looking at you and finally.....Start dancing Sorry Sorry!! XD
WAHHHHH LUCKY GIRL!!!!!! AHHHHHH I'M SOOO JEALOUS Tell me all about it!!!! Lol i just screamed when I saw the title.
My cousin: WHAT HAPPENED??!!!
Me: Oh i'm just having another fan girl moment :)
silentcharisma #14
OMG!!!! Have fun!