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annyeong haseyo.

AFF Username TheBestOfKpop

Character's Name: Nana Minji

Nickname: Min

Birthday: June, 13 1995

Gender: female

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Korean


first impression.

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Appereance 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo


don't judge the book by its cover.


Minji is an extremely passionate person. Everything she does, she puts 200% of her effort into it. She won't ever give up on anything and she believes that its all incredibly important. That is, everything that she likes to do. If she doesn't enjoy doing something, she won't even bother. She believes its a waste of her precious time. If you ask her to do something that she doesn't want to do, it won't get done. No matter how many times you tell her. She won't even attempt. Instead, she'll spend her time doing what she loves and considers much more important. Still, when she loves something, she will never give up on it. If it's something she loves doing, she will do it every second of every day. If it's something she loves eating, she'll eat it constantly. If it's something she loves watching, she'll watch it non-stop. If its something she loves talking about it, she'll go on for hours. You get the idea. But, the most vital one is that if she loves someone she will never give up on them. She will go to any ends to make that person happy and she will always be there for them through thick and thin.

Because of Minji's passionate persona, she is extremely determined and self-motivated. She is always busy and there is not a dull moment in any day when your with her. She is incredibly active and can't sit still for more than 5 minutes. It's close to impossible to catch her without a smile on her face because she's always doing what she loves. Who wouldn't be happy if they lived a life full of what they love? The only problem is, she is hurting on the inside. Though you can't see it, she is hollow. Or at least, that's how it feels to her.  She always has. Maybe it's due to her lack of family, maybe it's because she's never really felt love before. She has no idea what it is. But it's there. She tries to make up for it with doing what she loves, but it never seems to work. At least, not for long amounts of time.

Blood Type: AB


  • chocolate
  • nutella
  • dancing
  • jogging
  • partying
  • music | especially when it's turned up really loud
  • love
  • lovey-dovey dramas like Boys Over Flowers
  • anime
  • pastel colors
  • seafood
  • hot dogs
  • cakes
  • hiking


  • boredom
  • not doing anything
  • bland food
  • pasta
  • tomatoes
  • grapes
  • lolipops
  • stickers
  • chores
  • school work
  • shopping


  • elevators


  • dancing
  • playing guitar
  • writing in her journal
  • decorating cakes


  • swinging her feet when she has to sit still
  • forgetting to do chores that people tell her to do
  • not doing school work
  • forgetting when she has tests
  • dancing until she passes out from exhaustion


  • she has a minor case of claustophobia
  • she refuses to go on elevators after what happened to her family so she always takes the stairs instead
  • she wanted a cat but her grandma wouldn't let her have one so she often brings milk and chicken and feeds the stray cats
  • she has a part-time job as a cake decorator at a small cafè


meet my family.


Minji doesn't have any family. They were killed in an elevator. A cable snapped. And down the elevator went. It had been 6 stories up. No one inside survived. The only ones who were in it were Minji's parents and brother. The cause for the cable snapping is still unknown. Maybe insects chewing at it, maybe something else. No one knows.  The worst part of it all, was that they were on their way to see Minji. She had been at her grandmother's house and she wasn't supposed to be picked up for another day, but she had insisted that hey come and get her because her grandma didn't have any chocolate. She blames herself to this day for her family's death. She was only 4 when this happened.

Minji now lives with her grandma, the same one she had wanted to leave because of the absence of chocolate. Now there's chocolate at the house, though not an abundance. Minji's grandma is a bit of a health phanatic. But she's kind and wants the best for Minji. They live together in peace, but they aren't particularly close.

Family Members:

  • Nana Sung | Father | deceased | he was a photographer
  • Nana Minha | Mother | deceased | she was a movie producer
  • Nana Akihiro | Older Brother | deceased (was 10) | was a student
  • Nana Shee | Grandmother (Dad's mother) | 72 | retired but used to be a teacher | She is a kind woman but has an obsession with vitamins and other health things. She is always worried about Minji and often doesn't let her do things because she thinks they're too dangerous. Of course, Miji does them anyway. Because of this, the two don't talk much and are not close.


my love story.


  • 1st Ren | Nu'est
  • 2nd Zelo | B.A.P.

Relationship: Not dating yet


He is a cool kid. He likes to think he's all that and he pretends to know it all. He struts around school (he goes to the same school as Minji) as if he owns the place. He even has his own gang that basically follow him around like little minions. In a lot of ways he's arrogant, but at the same time he is sweet and kind. If he sees someone in need, he'll immediately come to their aid and he always tries his best to be there for his friends. Minji couldn't help but fall for him and she's been trying to win his heart ever since. Instead of falling for her, he acts as if he wants nothing to do with her. Minji hasn't given up, but everything she does seems to make him dislike her even more.

Rival: N/A


She is deprived of love. Her family is gone and her grandma provides her with little of the love Minji needs. Her extreme passion doesn't fill the gap so she is looking for something that can. This despiration along with her natural passion for someone she loves makes her do some pretty stupid stuff in order to make the one she loves happy. She'll do anything for him, and that type of divotion scares a lot of guys away. She is clingy and her attempts at pleasing the guy can be somewhat embarrassing for him. This also makes her not the ideal type of girlfriend.


nice to meet you.

Anything Else? Question, Suggestion, or Request?: Nope, you got it all =D Good luck with your story!!!

Password: 9


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