Application for Devil



Username:  janho_taehua

AFF Profile link: 

Activenes(no. of days online): Everyday

Character information

  1. Name: Park Jung Rin
  2. Age: 22
  3. Birth date: 17 July 1989
  4. Nationality: Korean
  5. Birthplace: United Kingdom
  6. Bloodtype: O+
  7. Languages: English, Korean, Mandarin



1. Ulzzang name: Lee Da Som

2. Ulzzang photolink[4+](must fit the concept):



3. Backup Ulzzang name: Kwon Su Jeong

4. Backup Ulzzang photolin[3+]:

5. Height: 1.68m

6. Weight: 48kg

7. style:


  1. Personality: From her outlook, you may think Jung Rin is a cold and aloof person but when you get to know her more, she is the total opposite of the first impression you have on her. She can behave like a dork. Being a cancerian, Jung Rin is a pretty homely and motherly person. She is the 'emotional garbage dump' for her friends. Everytime when they are down, they will go to her and pour our their sorrows. Last but not least, she is really good in giving advices and some of her close friends gave her a nickname "The Wise One".
  2. History(how you got in): Whenever she go to KTV, she will record videos on her singing then she will post them on Youtube. SM Entertainment subscribed to her channel and that will be how she got discovered.
  3. Likes(4+): Loves eating dark chocolate; Going to the beach to enjoy the sun and play water activities; Relaxing at the cafe with a nice cup of coffee to read books; Watching action-packed movie and comedies; Going to the KTV with her friends
  4. Dislikes(4+): Cockroaches; Insects; Hypocrites / Backstabbers; Thunder and lightning; Eating beansprout
  5. Hobbies(3+): Shopping; Singing; Dancing
  6. Habits(2+): Sleep-talking; Like to pout when she is deep thought 
  7. Trivia[2+]: Got the nickname of Ace because she excels in almost everything she do. That's why her friends call her that; Before she got scouted, she was in the medical course in Seoul University.





  • Park Sung Jun / Father / 48 / Strict & stern / Always wanted Jung Rin to be a doctor like him but Jung Rin's main interest is always in singing and dancing. Becomes furious when he got to know that Jung Rin decided to quit her studies to join the entertainment industry. Almost disown her because of this.
  • Hwang Shin Yee / Mother / 46 / Pleasant and understanding / Always supported whatever Jung Rin does. She is the one who secretly sponsored Jung Rin's vocal and dancing lessons.

 Best friends [3+]:

  • Im Yoona / 22 / Sweet and kind girl / Sunbae to Jung Rin but in actual fact, Jung Rin is her unnie. Always seek Jung Rin's advices.
  • Lee Taemin / 18 / Cute and humble / Keep running to Jung Rin whenever he sees her in SM building. Loves showing his aegyo to Jung Rin whenever he wants Jung Rin to treat him to food or buy him things.
  • Lee Eun Hyuk / 26 / Cheeky / Loves teasing Jung Rin but always look out for her whenever they are to appear on any show or event. Teaches her dancing. 

 Siblings: None

Rival [1 /none]: None

Love interest: Kim Jaejoong / 26 / Exactly the same like Jung Rin. The first impression given is cold and aloof but once you get to know him, he can be a dork at times. Like an umma. / Always nagged at Jung Rin because she has the tendency to skip her meal whenever she is too focused in her training or schedule. Always place her as his top priority. / They met each other after filming a CF together.

Name/age/personality/how he or she treats you/How you met

 Love triangle (if yes with who? If not write (-)


Group information

  1. Stage name: JR
  2. Position: Triple Threat or Lead Vocalist and Lead dancer (let author nim to decide for me)
  3. Persona: Cold and aloof
  4. Personal fan club: Aceantic
  5. Fan club colour: Ocean Blue


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