1) Your preferred Kigurumi Pajama animal : Monkey~ ^^

2) Babies' ages:  21 months, July 27

3) Any ideas as to what could happen during the story: They will go to COEX Aquarium located under COEX Mall of Asem Tower, then the kids will go to a playground to enjoy themselves and the families will eat ice cream. They could also go swimming, they could go to a petshop, or shop things for the kids. The ummas and appas will put locks in Namsan Tower, like what victoria and Nichkhun did.

4) Ideas for the baby house: A normal house, a small house just for the family but it will be good if their all neighbors.

5) Are there any special things you want your umma or appa to do for the baby? Sunhi always tell bedtime stories to Alex. Minho and Sunhi always bakes cupcakes for Alex. The two sometimes sings for Alex so he can easily fall asleep.

6) Be sure to send links of outfits for requested scenes! If you want them to go swimming, send me some swimsuit ideas!

(I think it's cute if they'll be wearing family shirts)

for swimming:


7) Also, if any of you want to change your babies to a girl? (I chose a girl baby, but the rest of you chose boys, so if anyone would prefer a girl, I would change it for you, just please don't pick a baby from previous hello baby seasons and such) But you don't have to, this is just a suggestion.

8) Give me ideas as to how should the SHINee appas find their families? Should they be sent on a search for them, or should they be faced with them and have to guess who's their mom and baby, or should they get to the house and the moms and babies just come, or what else? SHINee will search for their kids and wives with the help of clue cards TOGETHER, so that means all the moms and kids will be together when SHINee will see them. They will be searching around Lotte World. Then they will be facing each other then SHINee will guess who'll be their family. I just mixed what you suggested. xD

9) sorry, this is completely irrelevent, but how is my english? im still working on it, but i think im a fast learner, and slang is becoming easdier for me to use? your english is quite good. don't worry~

10) when should the show take place? fall, winter, spring, summer? spring

11) eum...sorry, i had more, but my brain broke


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