Tag, you're it! ^^


Name: Alyssa Denise S. Manuel. My S stands for Santiago~ Spanish descent, I guess.

How old are you?: 17 turning 18 in 5 months~ I'm old~ XD I'll be legal in a few months. I can mary Heechul or any or my other biases by then.

What's your favorite Kpop group? Super Junior, Exo, Girls Generation, After School, U-Kiss B1A4, T-ara, B2St

Do you have any pets? None.

What would you like to study in college? If you’re in college what are you studying?: Currently studying Communication Arts. :>

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color? I told myself I won't dye my hair, but I've been wanting to dye my hair as red as Park Bom's hair... But then again, my school doesn't allow it. T.T

Do you play any instruments? I play guitar back in high school, since my club back then was where we play instruments. Usually, I was the main vocalist anyway, especially when during my senior year in high school. 

What’s your favorite movie? Probably My Sassy Girl.

What’s your favorite season? and why? The Philippines only has rainy and sunny season. I like it when it's Ber months up to Feb because it's usually cold and night times are longer~

If you could meet anyone you want in the world right now, who would it be? The one that is destined for me. BIASES.

Tell me an interesting fact about you: I was born in Canada, but my parents are both Filipinos. The side of my mom has Spanish descent. Also, I'm the only girl who doesn't need braces in our family. :D My tita and mom had then and it seems that my sisters  need it.

Your favorite kpop band(s)?:  FT Island~ :D

Favourite solo artists?: IU, G.Na, Lee Hyori, BoA

What's your favourite song at the moment?: I love you, I love you by Miryo ft. Sunny of SNSD

What would you do if you met your favourite kpop band?: FREEZE. Ask for autographs, pictures, hugs and probably kisses. Then steal my bias and marry him.

What country would you like to visit?: South Korea, Canada, France and the rest of Europe.

What's your favourite non-kpop band?: Simple Plan probably.

Who's your favourite non-kpop singer?: Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry....That's it? :p

Are you ticklish? If so, where?: I don't know.

What is your nationality?: Filipino... Canadian citizen too I guess.

Plans for summer?: WORK OUT, update, twitter, tumblr, watch dramas, watch interviews of people find myself a namja chingu

If you could do whatever you want, what would you do?: Go to South Korea. Marry one of my biases.

Do you play video games? If so, what's your favourite?: Tekken and Sims.

What's your favourite jewlery?: Ring~ :>

Favourite food?: Maybe pasta, ice cream, sinigang, japchae and ddukbokki. :> There are a lot of things I don't eat, like vegetables and bananas. I also don't drink pure milk. I have to add chocolate or strawbery syrup to it. :p

What does your day mostly consist of?: Twitter, tumblr, AFF, eat, spazz.

Favourite book?: Don't read much books. T.T

Favourite animal?: Cats? :p

Favourite genre of music?: Kpop. Rock, Pop.

Chick flick or Action movie?: Chick flick probably.

Favourite country, other than your own or one you were born in?: Well, since I was born in Canada, I guess I can answer Philippines. I may like it, but there are still many reasons I'm annoyed at my country. I don't want to begin because I don't know when to end. :p

Day time or Night time?: Night time. I'm more awake and I tweet more at night. :D

Tag, you're it~ ^^ Do it too~ :D Gotten this from my fellow vain dongsaeng, Laine-chan~ ^^


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you're gonna choose your citizenshi[p also in a few months. lol hihiihi.... anyway, MABUHAY ANG PINOY!!!!
HURHUR. B3 You were born in CANADA?
LOL. You'll FREEZE when you see Heechul? O U O;;
I EAT VEGGIES..well except carrots mostly BUT VEGGIES AREEE GOOOD FOR YOU :3