Crazy Stuffs About Me (from: LittleRedCrown)

Some crazy things about me :)

Name: Lee Chaerin <~~ that's my korean name ;) I don't wanna reveal my real name. . . Let's just say Kaycie is my first name ^^

How old are you?: Just 12 years old turning 13 this december :P I plan to celebrate my 13th birthday in Seoul since 13 means a lot to me. You know. . . Super Junior. . . 13 members :>

What’s your favorite kpop group?: Super Junior!!!! Forever ELF <3

Do you have any pets?: Nope. My one and only pet died when I was grade 1 -_- Since then my parents won't allow me to have one anymore which is a bit disappointing for me.

What would you like to study in college? If you’re in college what are you studying?: Well, I haven't told my parents about this but I wanna study composition in Music (like Wookie!!!) cause I wanna be famous like Super Junior, they're my inspiration to reach my dreams. :)) Since I was like 3, my cousins taught me all the famous songs back then and I got hooked up in music ever since. And no, I'm not in college, just incoming High School.

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color? I haven't tried it cause my mom said my hair already has a color when the sunshine hits it. Its plain black but as I said, when there's sunlight hitting it, it becomes light brown. :D Cool right?

Do you play any instruments? I play piano and I really wanna learn to play guitar, drums and violin too. (These are all the instruments that SJ plays, My role model in SJ is my bias Sungmin ^^ He inspires me to learn more and dig deeper into music.)

What’s your favorite movie? Attack on the Pin-up Boys, Avengers, Music and Lyrics and Despicable Me!! All of these movies, I recommend. Attack on the pin-up boys is a movie with SJ in it. Avengers is one -kicking superhero movie and hilarious too. Music and Lyrics starring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant; its a love story actually. Their love was connected by music. (I wanna be like Drew too >.<) And Despicable Me? It's just so funny I can't even begin to explain :>

What’s your favorite season? and why? My favorite season is. . . the rainy seasons. I love water too much! Also love playing and walking in the rain. Whenever its raining I just feel relieved for some reason. It also gives me some ideas from, I don't know, NOWHERE!! @_@

If you could meet anyone you want in the world right now, who would it be? Sungmin & Luhan :"> They're my biases. Prob? :P BTW, I wanna meet SHINee, EXO-K & M and Super Junior of course!!

Tell me an interesting fact about you: Obviously I love the rain! ;) My hair changes colors. :/ I'll tell more... I always carry my diary with me and write everything about what happened in the day on it. I love to stargaze at my balcony (even though its creepy sometimes XD) and make a wish on every star hoping that it would come true. (sorry I'm so childish, well, I am 12!) I bought all the Super Junior albums, believe it or not, from the time of their first album until their fifth, Mr.Simple. It was no kidding when I tried to search for the Super Junior '05 album and all the other subgroups albums. Like "Rokkugo" and so much more :D

Your favourite kpop band(s)?: Super Junior (duh?!!?) , EXO-M, EXO-K, SHINee, 2ne1, Bigbang, Teen Top, Boyfriend & B2ST. 2ne1 is the only girl group here cause they're cool and swaggish unlike the other girl groups that's all y and cute. Its not like I hate girl groups. Its just that I don't really like them but it doesn't come to the point where I hate them. There's a BIIGGG difference between HATE and UNLIKE. =.=

Favourite solo artists?: Se7en, Ailee, K.Will, Wheesung, ehh. . .that's all I know/love ^^

What's your favourite song at the moment?: Angel by EXO-M and K , Q-Q. I just love it especially the vocals of my biases, its just sung to perfection! The translation is what hit me the most. To tell you the truth, everything that a girl wants is in that song. You'll get very touched when you see the translations and at the same time hear the vocals. My next chart topper is Snow White by Super Junior. Its sung in Japanese and I think its part of the Christmas Album of SM TOWN (?) Their voices are like angels and are so realxing. :> its just so cute when you hear it!!!

What would you do if you met your favourite kpop band?: I would excuse myself and spazz for a few minutes. Just joking! I would act cool and calm so they won't think of me the wrong way. Maybe we can have a group photo together with their signs and dedications at the back. Or I would have my bias to have a picture with me then sign at the back. Then I'll give them my number in case they'll go back XD

What country would you like to visit?: South Korea of course! Its like every fangirl's dream to go there. I wanna go to US too. I don't know where but somewhere in that country XD Hahahaha!!!!

What's your favourite non-kpop band?: None for now. :)

Who's your favourite non-kpop singer?: Taylor Swift! She totally rocks! \m/ we also have the same birthday, December 13 ;)

Are you ticklish? If so, where?: Yes I am. I'm ticklish somewhere in the hips and feet. Poking one of those parts would make me flinch a lot.

What is your nationality?: Proud to be Filipino +_+

Plans for summer?: Ugh, learn piano more, learn guitar, learn how to dance. Ehh . . . I know singing already. So, I want to complete my fanfics already so I could make some more. Ohh, and I wanna learn to play It's You on the piano cause I want that song to be the first song I play. ^^ Other plans . . . save money for a trip to Seoul! (that's gonna be hard) And KIDNAP THE WHOLE SUPER JUNIOR AND SHARE THEM WITH ELFs WITHOUT SM KNOWING!!! BWAHAHAHAAHA o.o I'm crazy am I?

If you could do whatever you want, what would you do?: I'd like to become a part of a girl group in Korea first then I'd date one of my biases then we get married and become rich later and have children and we'll live happily ever after. Yes that's what I want to do. XD

Do you play video games? If so, what's your favourite?: I don't really play video games that much but my favorite so far is MARIO KART! Its because I always get first place there. It would be great if I would beat GameKyu at Mario Kart or StarCraft!! :D I'll surely rub it in his face!!! :P (Kyu's one of my bias. I'm not a hater okay?)

What's your favourite jewelry?: Rings and necklaces. These two things mean a lot to me. BTW i hate earrings, it makes my ears itch. -_-"


What does your day mostly consist of?: A bit of sleeping. 8.9% of eating (I'm really thin cause I don't eat that much) 9 hours of sleeping. An hour for piano. The rest of the day dating with the TV. A sneek peek with my computer, An hour with my diary. Fifty five minutes wishing and staring at the stars. ;) NO exercise by the way.

Favourite book?: My favorite book? Umm. . . I'm not that much of a bookworm but let's put it this way. I love the book PROJECT 17. I also love mystery and suspense books. Maybe a bit of romance to top it?

Favourite animal?: Dogs and bunnies. They're so freakin adowable ^3^

Favourite genre of music?: All kinds of music. I don't really pick cause I love it in every genre. SJ-T taught me how to love trot by the way! I love RnB, Blues, Trot, Pop and Ballads. But if you would like me to rank it, I would pick Pop first then Ballads second.

Chick flick or Action movie?: Umm . . . Avengers would be the best choice for the action movie. Seriously, I find the Hulk charming!!! Same goes with Captain America and Thor. Black Widow is my inspiration to become a hot but kicking chick? Hahaha! Iron Man. You ARE EPIC!!

Favourite country, other than your own or one you were born in?: South Korea would be the best choice for me. It comes next to Philippines. And I wish I should've been born there. :(( My dream is there and maybe its too impossible to reach :'(

Day time or Night time?: Both. Day time, I enjoy it cause I get to do lots of stuffs and eat all kinds of food XD Night time, I love it cause I get to see the stars and I love it when its night and it rains. It gives off a cold feeling and I get to be more comfortable when I sleep. ^^



Well that's all. Once you've read this, you need to make your own too ;) Tag you're it!!! XD


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