Happy Birthday Baekhyun!

H a p p y B i r t h d a y B a c o n !


I wanted to post this yesterday but my internet was being a so I couldn't post this. But I guess it isn't too late, yeah?

Actually, I wrote something to Baekhyun. It's just what I felt and what I really wanted to tell him. I know he wouldn't see but I just want to share.



I hope you can read what I'm trying to say. Haha. My handwriting !


Anyways, happy birthday to Baekhyun once again!

Let's spam Bacon's pictures!


Eyeliner! ❤


y, ain't he? (;



Puppy eyes! Kyah xD



My handsome prince ~



His eyes *o*





Pictures don't belong to me (except for my letter to him which he will never see)! Credit to the owners!


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The message/letter was really heart-warming! I see you really love him alot! Oh, and the pictures are awesome! \m/ Guess I met another EXOTIC who is obsess over EXO like me!