
I'm bored so I'm gonna post this random blog post, just because I feel like it.  And because I'm procrastinating.

I just discovered lollipops and cheese don't taste that great together.  I probably should've seen that coming...

I realized yesterday that although I planned to go off my hiatus this month, I've actually only updated once all month, and that was SiaS on the 11th.  That was a long time ago.  I'm sorry... TT^TT  I've been feeling terribly unmotivated, and I've gotten to the point where I have so many ideas and different stories I'm working on that I'm overwhelmed by them, and it's making it harder to work.  The stories I have on here?  Yeah, that's not even a third of what I have in my idea folder, and the folder has about half of the ideas I have 'cause I haven't written half of them down.  MY CREATIVITY IS TOO ACTIVE AND IMPATIENT.  WAEEEE... 8~8

For Shh, it's a secret... I really wanna skip ahead to certain parts in the story, but certain things have to happen before those parts, so I'm kinda sitting here staring at the previous chapter and thinking, "Eh...CHAPTER 12 PLEASE WRITE YOURSELF."

For Replacement lol I've had half of chapter 5 written since the day after I posted chapter 4, but I can't seem to motivate myself to work on it...partly because I'd rather be writing 2min. XD;

For Call me Tae, I really wanted to finish that right away when I was posting the other parts, but DAMNIT WAE AM I STILL NOT DONE? >.<;  I have part of the last part written, but I need to just sit down and start typing, and then get it FINISHED.  The last part will have . keke

For The Shining Five, well, I've moved the starting time for that to probably mid-June.  The first half of June is gonna be hectic for me, but I'll try my best to update other stuff, and I just need to be realistic here and say S.F. isn't starting until at least halfway through June.

The oneshot requests...those are lower on my priority list, but I'll get to working on them soon, when I feel motivated to write some . :3

To make things less overwhelming, I'm also trying to finish up some old stuff I was working on that I've almost completed.  One is Call me Tae, the other is an OnTae oneshot (Cuddling) I was writing back when I started Replacement.  I've decided, with caline's influence (hehe Squishy it's all your fault, yes I'm blaming you XD), to write a 2min version of it too.  They'll be almost the same, with only a little difference, but I'll post them at the same time.  They're also really short.  You can expect them pretty soon. ^^

I've also been working on what will probably be a twoshot, and I'm aiming for 10,000 words.  I'm not very far yet. x_x  It's 2min of course, and will be fluffy. :3  It's called Minho's Angel.  My progress:


So, in summary, expect Cuddling to be posted soon, and expect Call me Tae to be finished soon, and expect SiaS to hopefully be updated before long.  Everything else will come a little slower, but hopefully not TOO slowly.

Okaaaaay I'm done...I should go actually write now. x_x  Baibai~


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chocoberryhoney #1
cheese and lollipop, lmao XD
minhosims #2
it seems like you have countless stories to do, mwahahahaha<br />
that's why I promised myself to finish season with you first before writing other chaptered fic.<br />
<br />
kekeke... <3 WRITE