How is the relationship with you and your sibling/s or cousin/s?:
Song Jihyuk (Supernova) - 24 - Kei's older brother, the two are extremely close. He is her best friend in the world, and she trusts him with everything. He is the one who encouraged her to be a trainee. She loves him so much that she even got a tattoo of the name of his group. He can be a bit protective, but only because he loves her more than anyone else.
Any bad/good feelings with each other?:
All good feelings :)

For those with an ex-boyfriend, how is/was your relationship with him?: (none)
The reason why you're exes?:
Any good feelings or bad ones?:

How do you act around with the one that is your love interest/ or that you admire?:
Yoon Sungmo (Supernova) - 24 - They can be a bit shy around each other, but they do talk quite a bit, often getting teased by the other members of Supernova. (Jihyuk is in denial though because this is his little sis). When they are together, they generally just talk about music. It's pretty mellow and they are quite close.
If you have met already, how was the encounter/s?:
They became friends through Jihyuk and get along really well. It wasn't anything significant, just her visiting him once at practice and being introduced. In a friend-way, she was closer with Geonil, but her and Sungmo quickly figured out they shared music taste.
If you haven't met, how would you like to meet him/them?:
What is his/they personality like with you and with others?:
With others, he is kind of dorky, but more calm than the others. He is closest with their leader Yoonhak, but gets along well with all s. He and Kei are a tad shy around one another, but they talk a lot and aren't really awkward, so it works.
How are your feelings when seeing him/them from afar?:
She thinks his voice is amazing and admires him especially for it.
If you guys are somewhat close and have met, what is the relationship between the two of you like?:
As stated above, the two are close, not best friends, but friends, and they talk quite a bit, though they are more reserved when with one another than others.

How did you meet your friend/s?:
For Mika, through her brother.
For Woori, already stated in app.
For Gayoon, they frequent the same music stores.
Any funny stories/memories you would like to include in the story?:
Mika and Kei volunteered at the observatory (because his idol status would help the observatory get publicity) by dressing in astronaut outfits and moon walking around.
How is the relationship between you and her/him/them?:
Should be stated in app.

For those with rivals, go into detail of how you've met, why you're rivals, any back story you want to include and all that jazz. =]
It is in the app :)

ALSO, if you've met some of them through your previous entertainment, then please give me a back story of your time there with him/her and how things came to be and blah blah blah. =]
Through her previous agecy, Core Contents Media, Kei met all the members of T-ara and Davichi. It isn' anything complicated, just that they trained together. She gets along with them well, and they are friends, but because she didn't practice with them as much due to her stuies, they never had a chance to become really close. Nevertheless, they see her like a sister, and especially Minkyung (Davichi) because they are around the same age, they get along well.


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ahh thank you for filling out this app.
and yes it's a little repetitive, but i figured there might just be a little more. =]
and hehe, i so wanna incorporate more Supernova stuff soon~ good thing they're promoting in the month of May, it helps with certain characters. :D
thanks~ =]