When Will Love Find... Jung Maeun

Name  : Jung Maeun

Appearance : http://ulzzanglovers.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=134218869


[Ulzzang Yoo Hyeonjin] Maeun prefers neutral colors, long sleeves, lots of bracelets/arm warmers, and skinny jeans. She’s secretly fond of the Lolita style, but it is a little out of her budget and her grandfather thinks it is childish, so she tends to dress more professionally most of the time.

 Age  : 21

  Birthday  : February 14, 1991

  Job or Work Status: Maeun is a full-time psychology student, part time day-care worker (teaches a third-grade class)

  Talents  : She is a good studier, picks up languages quickly, has a sweet but weak voice, and is a natural mom.

  Background  :
Maeun has been a fortunate girl, coming from a stable, well-off home and being a little spoiled. She was very close with all of her family, especially her younger sister, until she got depressed in middle school (14-16) and pushed everyone away. Her sister, too young to understand and also prone to depression, still hasn’t forgiven Maeun for pushing her away and Maeun carries the guilt. While she was depressed, she cut herself a little bit, but didn’t scar the way other people did since she took good care of the cuts. She got good counseling and considers herself a success story. Because of her depression, she wants to help others, thus why she is a psychology major. Working with kids makes her happiest.

Her grandfather has high standards for her, so he supports her becoming a psychologist, but the demands of school, her job, her friends (she’s very doting), and her family mean that she has little time for expanding other relationships and finding time for herself.

Personality  :
Maeun naturally is good at getting others to open up to her and tries to be inviting and warm. She knows what it is like to feel like there is no one to turn to and wants to be an available option. Her speech is very polite in all situations, except with her sister or people who have demanded she be less formal. All around, if someone doesn’t make it very, very clear that they want to be her friend, she will remain distant and polite, since she doesn’t want to impose on people. She’s what her mother refers to as a people-pleaser

With close friends, she enjoys skinship, but lets others define the boundaries for touch (she will hug them if they’ve hugged her first and avoids touch with people who are not open). She naturally gets along with girls more easily and feels very shy of men. Once she knows someone well, though, and they’ve proven they will stick by her, she is loyal to a fault.

 Personality flaws :
The motherly side of Maeun means she can be a bit bossy to those younger than her. Because she’s naturally affectionate but also very shy, she’s very encouraging to other people telling about themselves but doesn’t like to reveal things about herself to others, even if they’re close (like she’ll hide her problems). If she likes someone a lot, she might get scared that they’ll leave her and might become more distant, hoping to not get hurt/prolong the relationship by not letting them get close and “discovering the real her”. To sum it up, she has very poor self-image and trust issues.

Physical flaws :
Maeun has to fight to keep her complexion clean and gets outbreaks whenever she’s stressed even slightly (which is a lot). Also, she has nicely shaped legs but accidentally cuts herself when shaving quite a bit, so she prefers tights and skinny jeans than baring her legs, even in summer.

Good traits:

Again, Maeun is very affectionate and good with people. She believes everyone deserves to be loved and understood, even if that person doesn’t give her back anything good. Her loyalty and hard work distinguish her from her peers. She speaks well and “translates” for different people – like, if two people were in an argument, she’s the ideal go between to express their feelings to each other. She has a gift for saying the right thing at the right time for people who need to hear it.

Hobbies :
 With Maeun’s work and school schedule, she has a pretty hectic home and social life. She tries to balance work (the daycare, which means planning lessons and activities), school (homework and studying), home responsibilities (cooking, grocery shopping, and spending time with her family), and friends (being supportive and available both personally and with her wallet). She snatches time to read in between responsibilities and listens to music while studying/shopping and really enjoys cooking for people.

Fears :
 Maeun doesn’t have a very good self image and feels inferior to people. She fears rejection most of all and avoids new relationships and standing up for herself in present ones. On a lighter side, she’s scared of heights and wasps.

 Relationships :

Grandfather: Song Dongmin is her maternal grandfather. He has lived with her family since she was very small, so he helped raise her and they are close. Even so, he has very high standards for his granddaughters. This can lead to harsh criticism, which Maeun tries to take well, but she is sensitive to his sarcastic remarks and resents the pressure deep down.
Mother: Jung Seohyun, 42, is a very pretty and successful violinist and pianist who loves her daughters but is busy a lot. Maeun spent a lot of time helping to raise her little sister, so they sometimes heads on ‘co-parenting’ her. It’s the only thing they disagree on. She tries to shield Maeun from her father’s sarcasm (since she faced it growing up and went against his wishes to become a musician).
Father: Jung Junsu, 50, is a work-a-holic detective who was largely absent from the girl’s childhood because of work. Even so, he loves his daughters and loves to cook with Maeun in his free time.
Sister: Jung Sanghee, 20, has a very complicated relationship with Maeun. They are only 11 months apart in age, which made them very close growing up considering their parents were gone a lot. Sanghee still hasn’t forgiven Maeun for pushing her away when Maeun was depressed, but her older sister has been trying to fix the relationship ever since. Sanghee wants to be an artist and Maeun is her biggest supporter, but she still hasn’t been able to convince their grandfather about it.
Friend: Most of her friends are girls, usually younger than her, but Do Kyungsoo (D.O) is also pretty close to her. She encouraged him to not lose his dreams (singing and cooking) in face of adversity and they share coffee about once every couple of weeks. It’s a purely platonic relationship – they see each other as brother and sister they never had. He calls her noona and they will cook together and exchange recipes.

 Love Interest
NU’EST’s Aron or Infinite’s Namstar

Crush: Nam Woohyun was Maeun’s first crush, even though he doesn’t remember. They were in the same school and she finally gathered her nerve to write him a letter when she was about 13. To her horror, he showed it to his friends and claimed she was just another heart he had ‘won’ – gaining affection from girls was a game to him. She’s distrustful of openly affectionate men now and thinks Woohyun is a dirty liar. If Maeun had any enemies, she would put Woohyun at the top of the list. Even so, she never says anything bad about him and feels admits it was her own naivete/stupidity that led to her thinking he might have liked her over the other girls.

Crush: Aron catches Maeun’s interest because he is outgoing (friendly and easygoing) but personally reserved (doesn’t talk about himself or his problems a lot). She thinks of him as a kindred spirit (or at least tells herself that), admires him immensely, but tries not to admit she has a crush and attempts to keep her feelings for him platonic.

If Maeun was to be in a romantic relationship, she’d have to really trust the person or have had a major epiphany about her self-worth and/or the person would have had to put up with her rejecting them a couple times.

 Additional Info: Absolutely feel free to change her a little bit if you decide to use her. ^ ^ I know it's a bit of an odd name, but some parents do thing like that (mine did).


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