VEGA Application - YuiRin-Black - Lee Yun Mi/ Sophia Lee



Username: YuiRin-Black

Name: Jiyu♥

Activeness: 9!


Birth Name:   이윤미 -このユンミ 尹美 - Lee Yun Mi - Sophia Lee

Stage Name: Sophie


Fia (given by her bestfriends, they wanted to shorten her English name & for them it's hard to pronounce)

Baby Panda (given by her Jinki oppa & oppas in EXO, because they saw that Sophie likes to cling to people like how pandas cling to bamboos)

Eye Smile Baby (given by her fans because of her cute Eye Smile)

D.O.B: August 16, 1990

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Height & Weight: 167 cm & 47 kg



Sophia's Eye Smile~


Celebrity/Model/Ulzzang's Name: Airi Suzuki ^ . ^

Personality: First off, Sophie is not very girly but she likes 'light pink' but she doesn't like too much Pink cause it hurts her eyes. Sophie is nice &  sweet. She might be cold sometimes when she's angry or pissed or even irritated by something. She loves making friends but mostly boys because she is very close to their father.Sophie considers Super Junior, SHINee & Exo members as her older brothers & younger brothers. She is very close to boys because of her brother. If you will treat Sophie bad, then Sophie will treat you bad as well. Maybe more worse than you are because she always makes sure that bad people get there lessons right. Sophie has a 'sangtae' or 'condition' like her oppa. Sophie would dance or will rap randomly and that's her sangtae. Sophie loves 'Music' very much. She can't even live a day without it because it's important to her. So she always has her 'Music Player' and 'Head phone' with her wherever she goes. Sophie loves 'Fashion' as well but she just not follow the latest trend but she looks at the detail & look of the clothes and that is what Fashion is to her. You would see Sophie always wearing stylish 'gloves' that idols use in their performances. She is very fun to be with and you would always see her 'eyesmile' beautifully. She was said to be SNSD Tiffany's look alike. At first sight, you might think that she's girly but she's not. She loves to dance more 'difficult' & 'harder' dances that what girls typically do and that's why she loves hanging out with her labelmate oppas because she learns 'challenging' dances & raps from them. Sophie can sing well. Although she can belt, she focuses more on dancing and of course rapping.

Trainee History: She came to audition at the same time her brother did. Onew passed first. Sophie failed because she was very nervous. At her second try, Onew was a SHINee member already and Onew came to support his sister. Sophie danced & rapped Super Junior's 'Don't Don'. She passed this time and was taken by SM for training. She trained for 3 years & 5 months.

Group Position:









Singing Voice: After School Lizzy - CLICK!


1- Fruits

2- Music

3- Food

4- Fashion


6- Gloves


1- Bugs especially bees

2- Bad people

3- Too much pink

4- Getting injuries

5- Forgetting her music player


1- Listening to music

2- Shopping with her unni

3- Eating

4- Learning dances & raps from her oppa


1- EyeSmiles

2- Winking

3- Sticking toungue out

4- Whining


Lee Jinyoung - 51 - Appa  

Lee Sojin - 46 - Eomma

Lee Jinki (Onew) - 22 - Oppa

Friend(s): Exo's Kai, Sehun & Chanyeol. F(x)'s Sulli. Shinee's Taemin. And.. YOU AUTHOR-NIM!!! <333
Partner: EXO-M LUHAN♥♥♥

Previous Relationship(s): None....


1- SHINee's Taemin & a trainee is dating? The scandal was about Sophie & Taemin. They were just bestfriends but they thought that they were dating. Later they cleared it out with Onew. They explained that they were just friends & that she was Onew's sister.

Photos: (Just pretend that Krystal was Sophie! :))

2- Sister of Snsd's Tiffany or just look alike? They thought that Sophie was SNSD Tiffany's sister when she got out of SM Entertainment with f(x)'s Krystal. 

Photos: (pretend that Sulli was Sophie!)

3- Vega's Sophie a heartbreaker? Recently some netizens knew that Sophie didn't accept someones love for her and it was...... BTOB's Minhyuk-ssi. Minhyuk has been courting Sophie but Sophie liked someone but not Minhyuk so they just decided to become friends..


Past Experience(s):

1- SHINee's Juliette Mv - Japanese version

2- BTOB's Insane Mv

3- High Kick 3 with Krystal as a cast

4- Clean & Clear CF

5- SHINee's Sherlock Mv


1- Sophie had an asthma attack when she was young.

2- She is very close to SHINee & EXO members.

3- Sophie loves to drink fruit juices.

4- Sophie loves baking.

5- She loves eating a lot of snacks but she doesn't get fat.

6- She likes to copy her brother's lines.


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